2015 Box Pass Thread

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Oct 10, 2013
I'm really glad that you got the box again. Love reading your insights on the blends that you try. Too many people think everything is great...you put it all in perspective, which is refreshing.



Jul 13, 2010
I'm going to parrot what Dan said, but It is cool to hear that not everything in the box is awesome. I have sure felt that way about more than half of the blends I've sampled from the previous passes. That said, half of the samples from previous passes must come close to 60-70 blends, all told. I could be off but I don't think by much if I am...



Jul 13, 2011
Yeah it is true, but tastes vary too, that's one of the great things about the variety in the box. What I like may vary greatly from what someone else likes. I'm still working on some of the samples that I took, but somfar nothing has stood out as awesome. Well except the Waffle House!



Mar 3, 2014
Kennesaw, GA
Ok, another update, I've been trying to keep puffing away at the samples I've separated out and I've logged a few more, I'd be doing much better if I could smoke in my office. My next house, I will be sure to remedy.
Here's what has gone "up in smoke" as they say:
Hearth & Home - Rolando's Own: It's listed as a VaPer, and while I do enjoy a good VA/Per on occasion, this one didn't fit the bill for me. While it had OK flavor, I found that the bottom fell out of it midbowl. It might have had something to do with me though, I may have pushed it to hard for that to happen. That said I was probably puffing to get a bit more nicotine out of I could. This one was yet again another blend that didn't meet the strength criteria.
St. Bruno: Now I went into this one with a bit of caution, mostly because of many reviews of others due to the unique-ness of the blend(this and the next one I'm reviewing) After the initial light and acceptance that yes this is different than what I'm used to smoking, I gave it a few minutes chance(that coupled with the relief that it wasn't GH&Co - Rum Flake) I found I enjoyed the bowl. This is one that I'll see about acquiring for something completely different to smoke. I wouldn't mind trying the flake too to see how it differs if any.
Condor Ready Rubbed: Okay..I eluded to in the previous review, but I figured why the hell not. Truth be told, this was a sample of Ready Rubbed that I had saved from my first time with the box, but I wanted to try the RR to see if I even wanted to bother with cutting into the Condor Plug that's in the box now. I have to say, Condorlover is on to something with this one. Granted, I'm not going to forsake all others for Condor, but I'm going to see about getting on the Universal Imports manifest for sure. I plan on explore the Condor Plug too before the weekend is through.
Daughter's & Ryan - Rimboche A.B. This one was a hit out of the park for a few reasons. It somewhat scratched the itch I've been having for Epiphany as I found the taste similar, and it also had a decent dose of Vitamin N. The cons would be that it, burned pretty hot in the pipe, and I might have gotten nipped on the tongue a bit too. The pro's outweigh the cons, and I'd pick up some in the future though.
This will be my the final weekend with the box, so I'm going to try to make the most of it. We're getting some strange weather here in GA and it's dropping into the 30's so we'll see how much I can get through. I'll also be prepping the box to get on it's way, mostly getting the stuff I have prepared that I'm adding.
Happy Friday folks. :puffy:



Mar 3, 2014
Kennesaw, GA
All good things must come to an end. It's hard to believe it's already been two weeks, but as they say "time flies when you're having fun." I'll be posting again to give some thoughts on blends I tried over the weekend, as well taking some samples out I didn't get to. I'll also be posting what I'm adding to the box as well. I'm planning on getting this to the post office on Tuesday.
When you're ready PM me the address of the next contestant. :D



Jul 13, 2010
I think Freakie is talking about his "throne-time", a delightful part of ANY morning for many. :rofl:



Mar 3, 2014
Kennesaw, GA
Alright gents here's my final post of blend samples.
Watch City Cigar - Slices This was one that I was excited to try, and probably my favorite out of the bunch. It's one of those lazy afternoon kind of smokes, or it'll work well with puffing around the yard doing some chores. I can't see myself smoking this frequently, but one of those blends that I can see pulling out and smoking quite a bit of for a few days, then putting it away again. I'm just a big fan of burley, and while most C&D blends in my rotation really do it for me, it's nice to sample another blenders take on a burley blend.
Condor Plug Well, after having the RR earlier in the week, I knew I wanted to try the plug. This stuff is even better than the RR. I was amazed at how dense the plug is, but using my knife I managed to slice up a fair amount, and dry for a bit before rubbing it out and doing a gravity fill on a MM cob I have. I'd say about 1/2 hour of drying did it for me, and the smoke was just as good as the RR, but I found it much more intense or concentrated on the flavor as well as strength. I found the floral notes in the beginning of the smoke subsided a lot sooner with this one. I said this with the Ready Rubbed, but I guess Universal Imports will have another customer for Condor(s).
That'll do it for me for stuff I've smoked while with the box. I packaged up a bowl or two of a handful of samples that I didn't get around to but will follow up with thoughts good or bad if it's appropriate.
Here's a photo of what I'm adding to the box.

There was a packet of C&D's - Billy Budd that I replenished.

C&D's - 5 O'Clock Shadow

HU Tobacco - The Fayyum Kake

Capt. Earle's - 10 Russians

Dunhill - Flake

Dunhill - Aperitif
Woodsroad sent a replenshment of McClelland's - 5100 "Red Cake"
papipeguy came across great deal for multiple tins of C&D's "Celler Series" - Joie De Vivre, and he generously sent me a tin. I had never had it before, and found it to be a very good smoke indeed. In the spirit of paying it forward since he sent it, I think it only fitting that I put in in the box for everyone to enjoy. Thanks again John for your generosity. Here's a photo of both donated items.

Finally here's the box ready to go, just before being taped up.

Again, I had a great time this go around, thanks to everyone for helping making this pass an awesome experience.



Oct 10, 2013
You da' man, Marc. Thanks for being an excellent Box Pass guy. I'm on the road for a couple of days, so please excuse the curt response. I hate typing on the phone.



Oct 18, 2013
The Box is looking great guys!
I'm not familiar with the Watch City blends at all, so that's exciting.
Also ... the Condor has eluded me heretofore but always had me interested.
Thanks for the pics and update! :puffy: