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  1. arabpipesmoker

    Erik Nording

    Not sure what's the reason behind my love to Eric Nording pipes (is it the price OR the design) there is two pipes in my list (mostly freehand style) form Nording and haven’t found other brand to replace one of them. Good luck with your search and let us know your final decision
  2. arabpipesmoker

    Nifty Trick to Fix a Gargling Pipe

    pipe cleaner do the job for me and i re-use the same to clean the pipe after smoking
  3. arabpipesmoker

    MacBaren Navy Flake tin aroma

    Still have few flakes in the tin to smoke over the coming days which I like and the room note is accepted by the wife
  4. arabpipesmoker

    Question about heat forming in the bowl while smoking.

    I am facing the same while smoking MacBaren Navy Flake only where other aro tobacco are finE in same BigBen pipe.
  5. arabpipesmoker

    Gurgling Bjarnes!

    what i learned to pass this is sticking one pipe cleaner from the stem and give it two or more twist which will absorb the moister and stop the gurgle to let you enjoy the rest of the bowel till the end without problems (its work fine with all my pipes)
  6. arabpipesmoker

    Geiger Smooth Bullmoose

    you are destroying my heart with this :crazy:
  7. arabpipesmoker

    Freehand 2 Finished

    Great work, loved every inch of it
  8. arabpipesmoker

    Scott Klein Cherrywood

    nothing can go wrong with pipe like that and still out of my budget for now
  9. arabpipesmoker

    The Mail Come, The Mail Come, Charatans

    Love the 1st one and wish you enjoyable smokes.
  10. arabpipesmoker

    New Savinelli thanks to!

    Nice choice, love the pipe and hope you will enjoy the tobacco as i do while writing my comment in my Sav 320.
  11. arabpipesmoker

    Bulldog Fever

    Congrats man, wish to add one to me collection soon
  12. arabpipesmoker

    Danish Pipes

    Planning to get one of free hand from Nordings as they really cool looks and prices are within my range $75 for the natural look with signature.
  13. arabpipesmoker

    My Alian Pipe Rack

    As a beginner it is essential to have it right from day one to feel every part of this hoppy. Since i begin i was resting my pipes by laying them flat on the shelf and sometime against the wall which work fine and at my car it was a big miss as there nothing made to hold my pipes. But yesterday...
  14. arabpipesmoker

    Made my night

    Well folks Don't let your wife see this otherwise woman will think pipes are separating the family apart. Regards Wasim
  15. arabpipesmoker

    The new pipe smoker's foray into English blends

    Thanks for the advise Yes, i am not ready for english at the moment where i only bought Frag Mortan OTB tin and don't have the corage to open it. Regards Wasim
  16. arabpipesmoker

    When Resting Your Pipe (Up or Down)

    Dear ,Philip, loneredtree, hanymamdouh Many thanks for the information as the reason behind it to come up with Pipe rack designs that fits my pipe dream collection which are Poker, free hand and bent shape from Peterson dry system. I think it is too early for that today, but I feel it coming...
  17. arabpipesmoker

    When Resting Your Pipe (Up or Down)

    Hi all i know it sound strange but need to know which method is best and why the common is resting pipes bowel down and stem up but I sow on youtube few pipe smokers are resting the pipe to be bowel up and stem down which confused me. Sorry if it’s repeated question. Keep the pipe smokes...
  18. arabpipesmoker

    My first Hackert.

    Great possession wardrum Most Hackert pipe reviews are positive and dreaming of having one of his are common I think ;)
  19. arabpipesmoker

    Mac Baren Blends

    From Newbie here I have smoked Navy Flake which is great in flavor, taste, burn and lid with no bite problem where Scottish Blend are still waiting in the line after finishing Navy Flake tin. Great discussion and informative Keep the pipe running
  20. arabpipesmoker

    Question about Savinellis

    Always go for non-ordinary pipes that make you feel special while smoking it. Dublin for me