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  1. arabpipesmoker

    Let's Have Some Fun! Tobaccos You HATE!

    So far i liked what i have smoked till date: Savenelli Aroma Mac Baren Navy flake W.O.Larsen Signature mixture C.Black. Hanymamdouh mixture Davidoff Red mixture Davidoff Royality Amphora full aroma
  2. arabpipesmoker

    From the Floor of the Chicago Pipe Show 2012 (many pix)

    Thanks for the great effort and time spent on this post. Keep the good works coming?
  3. arabpipesmoker

    I Only Have $X...What do I buy?

    Thanks guy's for great thread for us (beginners) and yes cob's are great smokers
  4. arabpipesmoker

    1/2 bowl

    Half bowl works fine with me as i don't like relighting old bowls
  5. arabpipesmoker

    Pipe Sweepstakes- In memory of Sonny

    Nording freehand :puffpipe:
  6. arabpipesmoker

    McClelland Frog Morton

    Planning to age my only FM on bayou tin for another 6 months before trying it! Do you recommend ageing or just ready out of new tin? MY intro to English replaced by Davidoff Royalty which I like :puffpipe:
  7. arabpipesmoker

    Best Smoke of my life. . .

    Wow man i have experience the same last night while smoking my 7th bowel of ‘davidoff royalty” using my new diplomat MM cob (same pipe in my avatar) Not sure is it the pipe or the tobacco or who i packed that smoke .... All i know that i enjoyed every puff out of if :puffpipe:
  8. arabpipesmoker

    So The Orkin Guy Is Spraying Our Apartment for Bugs...

    Your question came at the right time as i was thinking of doing the same during my two weeks’ vacation away from home end of the month. Waiting for the answer
  9. arabpipesmoker

    Eliminating Pipe Odors

    air purifier are nice to have but what is working for me now are aromatic candles which absorb any odors not smoking only
  10. arabpipesmoker

    Help on fixing new MM Cob

    Thanks you all for given suggestions As sending new pipe will cost me shipping cost from US to Saudi Arabia, I will go with slow smoking to build descent cake which will protect the pipe.
  11. arabpipesmoker

    Help on fixing new MM Cob

    Thanks papipeguy but as i am out side US returning the cob will cost me lots of money
  12. arabpipesmoker

    Help on fixing new MM Cob

    Hi Gent's I have received bad MM Cob out of five pcs purchased that have rough surface inside the bowland i was thinking of doing : 1- sand the inside but what size type is the best 2- use pipe mud (cigar ash and water) and spread it to smother the inside it is not clear bur some areas are...
  13. arabpipesmoker

    Age old question- so it seems

    On and off for me when using cobs and big ben pipe and never for my sav.
  14. arabpipesmoker

    2 More Edward's For The Collection

    wish you a pleasant smoke in them :puffpipe:
  15. arabpipesmoker

    Mad Ebay Score!

    Great score my friend, likes bulldog shape.
  16. arabpipesmoker

    Tongue Bite v. Tongue Burn

    After three months in the hobby i start taking the lead and control tongue bite by study the baccy I am smoking and treat it according to its designed especially with seeping type baccy that meant to bite you before you know. My advice is to study your baccy within first 3-4 bowls to get the...
  17. arabpipesmoker

    YouTube Pipe Channel

    There are many great channels out there and i may fail to count them all but you can start with my personal channel as start
  18. arabpipesmoker

    Ashton Pebble Grain Freehand Bent Dublin

    congrats, enjoy your lovely pipe :puffpipe:
  19. arabpipesmoker

    Mr Brog, Savinelli, and more TAD.

    Congrats, the SAV looks cool with crystals (i should look for one to convert my wife and have a peas full smoke indoor)
  20. arabpipesmoker

    I have just ordered this beautiful goose!

    Congrats, Love thier high standard and trademark