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  1. arabpipesmoker

    Pipes Filters ?

    Hi all i found smoking non-filtered are more enjoyable and flavorful, so Beside of reducing nicotine content and tobacco flavor what is the impact as i don't inhale the smoke from medical overview? Have nice day Wasim
  2. arabpipesmoker

    Worlds Smallest Pipe?

    Thanks for sharing the link. I have already tried Mini Corn Cob Pipe and its smoke nicely for about 10 min where i recommend for Lunch Brake pipe :) Regards
  3. arabpipesmoker

    Olfactory Orgasm w/ a bag of Penzance

    Looks so intresting to try on later. But it is fail under aromatic or english?
  4. arabpipesmoker

    My First Non-Aromatic: You Decide 2012!

    Hi gent's Intresting disucsion for new pipe smoker as I strat with aromatic which is nice to have but still feel it's not my area if you used to smoke cigars. I chose Frog Morten on the Bayo to be my gate to the dark side and hope it works fine for me. Wish you a great journey Wasim
  5. arabpipesmoker

    Savanili 320 : Flake or Loss Tobacco

    Many thanks for your warm welcom and recomendation @ Mike, as most of my stash are aromatic in cut/loss shape (savanili aromatic, Mac Baren scottch mexture, Macland crame caramel) it's make no defrent in which to start with. That lead to plan on getting more pipes for my Mac Baren navy flak (I...
  6. arabpipesmoker

    Mac Baren Mixture vs Mixture Flake

    i just got Scottish Mixture and Navy Flake yesterday and nice to know that juni liked it that make me confused on which one i shall start with.
  7. arabpipesmoker

    Tajima Lady Leg

    Nice looking Pipe but not my style :puffy:
  8. arabpipesmoker

    Savanili 320 : Flake or Loss Tobacco

    Hi all I am still confused till today on who to brake in my new Savanili 320 pipe. From Youtube reviews few pipe smokers are dedicate some pipe shape for Flake and other for loss tobacco but no one have mention Savanili 320 in their list. Can you help me please with your recommendation on...
  9. arabpipesmoker

    New Members, Introduce Yourself!

    Hi all Pipe Smokers This is Wasim from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 37y old, Married with 2 kids. Yah i am new in Pipe world just 36 days smoking pipe converting from Hookah+Cigar and Medwakh smoking. Love to share my 1st Briar Pipe unboxing today from CupOJoes Website. at ...