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  1. arabpipesmoker

    AND mini meer pipe

    Are the mini MER size = to Cob pipe bowl size, as i am looking on ebay and the prices around $9 As you already try one please let us know if it is getting hot to handle
  2. arabpipesmoker

    Not A Nording Fan, But I Couldn't Resist

    Great catch, i will get the pipe first and the rest will follow naturally :puffpipe:
  3. arabpipesmoker

    Credit Cards

    My friend Not sure i understand your situation but i am from Saudi Arabia and have ordered Pipes with tobacco from US websites and pay through PayPal while shipping using Aramex Express. So far everything working fine, but i think there is some regulation regarding natural tobacco leaf at US...
  4. arabpipesmoker

    New order arrived!

    i start thinking of nording blend (P&C Sampler) lately, so will wait for your review of that
  5. arabpipesmoker

    Got Approval from the War Room

    Romanza, you just won the war not the battle. We will consider you as winner after give us your honest opinion and review your best tobacco out of them
  6. arabpipesmoker

    Which filter to use?

    Only use them when smoking a tobacco that bite me hard :crying: only
  7. arabpipesmoker

    Pipe Bits - Do they work?

    Haven't tried one before and looking forward to get it for stem protection
  8. arabpipesmoker

    How Many Pipes Do You Own?

    3, 2 Brair + 1 Cob + 5 Cob's in the mail which i will collect form Aramex Express today :D
  9. arabpipesmoker

    Best low-end briar?

    So far all i can get is MM cob which is a great smoker, might conceder Dr. Grabow in my next order.
  10. arabpipesmoker

    Pimp Your Corncob with a Cool Stem

    Never too late, I know where my next order are coming from. But can some ome advise us what type of paint shall we apply tp color the pipe (food coloring, wood paint...etc) I want to paint it in black or dark brown. Thanks in advance Wasim
  11. arabpipesmoker

    Smooth Meerschaums To Hot To Handle?

    if this is the case with all meer. Pipes then i will drop the idea from my side since i am handling my pipes and not clenching it so touching are very critical point for me.
  12. arabpipesmoker

    Nice suprise!!!

    Congrats my friend, looks nice on you :puffpipe:
  13. arabpipesmoker

    My latest attempt at pipe carving.

    Great work even though it is not my fav. Shape but love the rustication details.
  14. arabpipesmoker

    Giving Away Pipes

    Philip 1+ puffy: i start giveaway extra corn cob pipes i ordered earlier which un-smoked and one out of three love it and start looking after his 1st briar. :clap:
  15. arabpipesmoker

    Cobb pipe issue

    I am still waiting my new 7 Cubs order to arrive for replacing my 1st cracked MM Cub. It's really a great smoker and it was my fault to smoke it too hot that get it cracked in the side and above the shank One of my friend told me to dip my finger in honey and wipe inside the bowel to coat it...
  16. arabpipesmoker

    Maximum price

    As newbie in pipe smoking going over $20 per tin is hard to reach as i have spent around $170 on tobacco in the past two months which is my maximum as i need to save more money for my 2nd briar pipe purchase.
  17. arabpipesmoker

    Balkovec Pipes....there are a few available now

    Thanks for the info my friend yes i admire his lovely work but still i can't afford one at the moment.
  18. arabpipesmoker

    Two new (nice) pipes on order!!

    Congrats my friend. After looking for the whole week i ended ordering 7 corn cub pipes to try the deferent tobacco i have before getting my 2nd briar pipe. Waiting for the pic’s :puffpipe:
  19. arabpipesmoker

    My New Savinelli Oscar Tiger

    Congrats my friend, good choise and lovely shape and grane enjoy it :puffpipe:
  20. arabpipesmoker

    PAD, first Dunhill

    Congrats my friend what a lovely pipe I think your wife might get Jealous by now for you having new girl in the collection :puffpipe: