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  1. Lumbridge

    Smoker’s Pride

    I'm not ashamed to say that I'm a big fan of the Smoker's Pride blends as basic aromatics. I've talked so much about how I like them on this forum that I probably sound like a shill. I've smoked a lot of the Rum Cured and Black Cavendish, but also the Whiskey, Vanilla Cav and Cherry Cav. The...
  2. Lumbridge

    Horn Stems

    Ropp? I've yet to smoke my new Ropp Vintage Sandblast, but the quality of craftsmanship is fantastic. I'd say it's on par with my Genod. I'm surprised that I don't see more about French-made briars, but perhaps it's because they're not as hyped up as Italian or British-made pipes. I'm still...
  3. Lumbridge

    Horn Stems

    I think you'll have to have a stem made and fitted for that particular pipe (or DIY). Not the kind of thing you can just buy off the shelf and stick onto any pipe.
  4. Lumbridge

    Horn Stems

    Thanks. Came here looking for info on maintaining horn stems since I received a Ropp Vintage with one for Valentine's - awesome gift! I figured I'd just use an oil periodically (jojoba) like I typically do with vulcanite, but I also thought about buffing it with carnauba wax.
  5. Lumbridge

    Anyone notice?(C&D content)

    I guess I'm out of the loop. I haven't even heard of Turkish latakia before reading this. I knew that Syrian is no longer made and that Cyprian had replaced it, but had never seen Turkish latakia mentioned anywhere. When did we start seeing it in blends?
  6. Lumbridge

    Is Pre-Carbonizing Corncobs Advisable?

    Yeah, you could fill in the gaps around the stem with pipe mud or plaster of paris if you want, but they are effortlessly filled in with bits of semi-petrified tobacco over time as you smoke it. Personally, I don't bother. If you're concerned with longevity and durability, buy the polished pipes...
  7. Lumbridge

    How Long does a Smoke Last?

    Sounds like you're smoking the pipe like it's a cigarette. Most members here don't do that. I guess there's nothing wrong with smoking that way, but I don't think you're going to find the advice you're looking for because your smoking style is unorthodox.
  8. Lumbridge

    Buying Multiples of the Same Pipe

    MM Zenon hardwood, standard bent bit - my favorite pipe. I have one that I smoke often and several in reserve in case he dies. I have plenty of cobs in reserve too, particularly the 5th Ave Legend/Washington, Diplomat Apple, and Little Devil Cutty (all of my favorite shapes).
  9. Lumbridge

    Where to Draw the Line on Cellar Size?

    It's easy to have enough pipes. It's hard to have enough tobacco. I'd say estimate how much you smoke in a year, multiply that by the number of years you think that you might have left (a bit morbid, I know), and then buy some extra just in case your intake increases.
  10. Lumbridge

    Christmas Cheer 2003 for $200

    I'm perfectly happy not knowing what I missed out on, rather than lamenting the loss of old favorites. Ignorance is bliss.
  11. Lumbridge


    Been ordering from P&C for about six years now. Never had an issue that they didn't immediately address after being notified. Other than their crappy backorder system, I've had no complaints.
  12. Lumbridge

    My First Corn Cob

    Cobs are great smokers. I wouldn't say that they need to be smoked in a different way than a briar, but they do have a much more open draw than many briar pipes, so one must resist the urge to puff away rapidly. The Country Gentleman is a great choice, hope you like it!
  13. Lumbridge

    My First Corn Cob

    I never understood the deal with removing the shank in the bowl or trying to burn it out. They smoke fine as they come from the factory. Most of mine have charred, but I never experienced a foul taste at the bottom.
  14. Lumbridge

    Culling the Herd: Anyone Else Feel the Need to do So?

    As with many hobbies, pipe collecting can get out of hand quickly. At some point, I realized that I didn't really care about keeping the pipes I wasn't smoking and sold those off on the Bay. Aside from some spare MM cobs and hardwoods that I keep in reserve in case one in current service suffers...
  15. Lumbridge

    Which Beverage with which Tobacco?

    Always black coffee or tea for me (no sugar), either hot or iced depending on my mood and weather.
  16. Lumbridge

    What’s Your Storage Preference?

    +1 for the jar. Large mason jars make great humidors if, like me, you only keep a few sticks on hand at any given time.
  17. Lumbridge

    Smelling Pipe Tobacco

    Yeah, I like the smell of tobacco unburnt as well as burnt. It's different, but just as nice. I often find myself taking whiffs out of jars when trying to decide what to smoke.
  18. Lumbridge

    Herb Grinder and Flake/Twist

    Aha, so you ended up trying it before I did. The results look great. I'll definitely have to try it myself.
  19. Lumbridge

    Buy the Best and Cry Once?

    Is a $100 briar five times as good as a $20 briar? Very possibly. Is a $1000 briar five times as good as a $200 briar? Probably not. Diminishing returns and all that. I don't really care if my pipes have flawless grain. They just need to be functional, and you don't have to spend much to get a...
  20. Lumbridge

    Cob Drilled to deep

    That one has a hardwood plug, so you don't have to worry about damaging the bottom of the chamber.