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  1. Lumbridge

    Buy a 6mm or a 9mm pipe?

    I have both 6mm and 9mm filtered pipes and smoke them without filters or adapters all the time. The draw will usually be more open than on unfiltered pipes. If you prefer a more open draw, it's a good option. Savinelli / Rossi filtered pipes will smoke fine regardless of whether the...
  2. Lumbridge

    Granger by Lane

    Ahh, codger burleys. So comfortable. I tend to like STG products, but can't really wrap my head around the play dough thing that some of their codgers have going on. Fortunately SWR does not have this flavor, and I've smoked quite a bit of it.
  3. Lumbridge

    Anise/licorice Italian Cigars?

    Yep, Avanti are decent. They do have a nice anisette flavor which I would not describe as overly strong, but very tasty if you like anise/licorice/fennel flavors.
  4. Lumbridge

    Cobblestone Recommendations and Discussion

    The Chess series are made by the same blenders (Kopp) that make Robert McConnell, Fribourg & Treyer, and Ashton blends, among others. I would check those out. I have tins of Knight, King, and Queen cellared, but have not cracked any of them yet. I've heard good things and have been a fan of all...
  5. Lumbridge

    Why do Pipes Taste Different?

    I've noticed differences between pipes with the same tobacco. I love Haunted Bookshop in a briar. Tried it in a cob one day and it just tasted sour and musty. Dumped the bowl onto a plate, loaded the same tobacco into the briar and it tasted delicious as expected. No idea why.
  6. Lumbridge

    Are Netflix and the Like Dying?

    I'm in my early 30s and hardly ever watch TV or movies. I don't have cable or any streaming services. My TV is pretty much exclusively used with game consoles - every now and then I watch a Blu Ray on the PS5, usually old favorites like The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I know a lot of people...
  7. Lumbridge

    G&H Rumors to Confirm or Dispell

    It's been five or six years since I had any. Could be my faulty memory, but I could swear I remember a taste akin to rosewater.
  8. Lumbridge

    G&H Rumors to Confirm or Dispell

    I'm on a dark fired kick right now and have been itching to try more blends with that being the dominant component. I decided to pick up an ounce each of Dark Bird's Eye and Dark Flake Unscented (which some people say still has a mild Lakeland scent to it despite the name). Gonna give those a...
  9. Lumbridge

    G&H Rumors to Confirm or Dispell

    Thanks for the reply. I could probably handle tonquin or milder florals like rose, just trying to avoid anything with geranium. I do like lemongrass so that one sounds interesting.
  10. Lumbridge

    G&H Rumors to Confirm or Dispell

    Do these blends have Lakeland scent/flavoring? I've seen a lot of conflicting accounts - some people say they do, some say they don't. I've considered trying some of them but floral flavorings do not appeal to me at all. Geranium and the like makes me slightly queasy.
  11. Lumbridge

    ***What Are You Smoking, March 2024?***

    Nice meer. Is that a bakelite stem? SMS?
  12. Lumbridge

    ***What Are You Smoking, March 2024?***

    IMHO, this is a burley which tastes much better in a briar.
  13. Lumbridge

    Snüs or pipe healthier?

    Pipes and tobacco are probably not the best hobby to get into if health is a concern. As others have said, it's risk versus enjoyment.
  14. Lumbridge

    The Most Disappointing Tobacco

    Just about any fruity aromatic cavendish type blends - cherry, peach etc. All blends of this type that I've tried have all disappointed me. I wanted to like cherry blends, and every now and then I try a new fruity aromatic and find it to be a yawn-inducing experience which ends in me dumping 3/4...
  15. Lumbridge

    Sharp Rise in Young People Smoking Pipes, Cigars & Shisha

    "Cancer warning..." There are microplastics, industrial chemicals, and carcinogens everywhere - in our water, food, air, and personal products - but let's ignore all of that and worry about tobacco. It has become impossible to completely avoid harmful substances. We are all screwed. Sooner or...
  16. Lumbridge

    Pipe Beginner Rotation/Aroma Separation

    Depends on the blend, the size of your pipe's bowl, and how you prepare and pack the tobacco. I think a range of 15-25 bowls per oz is a decent ballpark estimate. What I do is buy single ounces of blends I want to try, throw the ones I want to smoke immediately into mason jars (which provide a...
  17. Lumbridge

    Are Stingers Good or Bad?

    The best way to use a "stinger" filter: - Remove stem from pipe - Remove stinger - Deposit stinger in nearest refuse receptacle - Reinstall stem and smoke your pipe
  18. Lumbridge

    Pipe Beginner Rotation/Aroma Separation

    What have you tried and liked so far? There are so many blends out there it's mind-boggling. I would make an order for some single ounces of bulk tobacco blends. You could get an ounce each of an English, a straight Virginia, a "codger" burley blend, some aromatics, etc to see what you like or...
  19. Lumbridge

    Pipe Beginner Rotation/Aroma Separation

    Everyone is going to have a different opinion about this. Some people will smoke any blend in any pipe and don't worry at all about ghosting. Others go so far as to dedicate a pipe, or even an entire rotation of pipes, to each blend they smoke. I dedicate a pipe to a blend category, completely...
  20. Lumbridge

    Escudo Alternative

    Another for Doblone D'Oro. Not exactly the same, but better IMHO.