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  1. sergemoat

    Trevor Talbert Poker

    Fantastic blast on that pipe Cigr. If it smokes half as good as it looks it'll be a great pipe.
  2. sergemoat

    Senatorov Self-Gift

    Picked up a Sergey Senatorov pipe from ebay for a great price. His stem work is very unique. Here are some of the vendor's photos. Anyone else around here have one in their collection?
  3. sergemoat

    Baccyflaps from Reborn Briar

    I've been thinking about having a machinist copy one of these into aluminum for a more modern take.
  4. sergemoat

    Favorite TV Shows

    Here are some of my favorites: Castle Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Arrow Psych Homeland Game of Thrones Walking Dead Justified Sons of Anarchy
  5. sergemoat

    What Are You Smoking? November 2013

    Esoterica Margate in a Michael Parks Dublin.
  6. sergemoat

    Veterans, Sound Off: Veterans Day 2013

    USAF '05-'10
  7. sergemoat

    What Are You Smoking? November 2013

    MacB Symphony in a Peterson System 31
  8. sergemoat

    Interesting Olive Wood Pipe

    The way artisans can read the grain of the wood always amazes me. I love how the blast reveals concentric rings from the heel of the pipe back and how the stem on the other end is perpendicular to the grain.
  9. sergemoat

    Who Makes Your Favorite Stems?

    The most comfortable bits I own are made by Steve Liskey PS Studio Rad Davis First two are extremely thin bits, if I were a clencher I might be worried but luckily I'm not.
  10. sergemoat

    What Are You Smoking? November 2013

    SG Commonwealth in an SMS Meer.
  11. sergemoat

    What Are You Smoking? November 2013

    SG Navy Flake in a PS Studio Bulldog.
  12. sergemoat

    Show Us Your Spigots!

    Here's my Ferndown ** Bark. @Cosmic, if your Ferndown is new I suggest wiping out the bowl with some alcohol first. First smoke in mine was terrible until I wiped out the bowl with some alcohol (careful not to get any on the outside of the bowl). I used up at least 20 Q-tips and a few...
  13. sergemoat

    Small and Compact Pipes..

    This Yashtylov is on my wish list. Seems like a stout nosewarmer from the profile but when viewed from the top or front its very slender.
  14. sergemoat

    A New Fikri Baki Meerschaum Arrived Today...

    Very nice, let us know how it smokes!
  15. sergemoat

    What Are You Smoking? October 2013

    Haddo's Delight in an SMS Meer.
  16. sergemoat

    Meerschaum pipe hair crack: help!

    Quality of the Meer may be a factor as well as the extreme temperature differences.
  17. sergemoat

    What Are You Smoking? October 2013

    SG Navy Flake in a PS Studio.
  18. sergemoat

    What Are You Smoking? October 2013

    Haddo's in a Randy Wiley feather carved.
  19. sergemoat

    Well somebody had to do it.......

    Very cool, I've been very impressed with the pipes coming from eastern European makers lately. I hear Senatorov's bit-work is amazing.
  20. sergemoat

    Oval Tobacco Chamber Questions

    Does anyone around here have or smoke pipes with an oval bowl? What are your thoughts on them? Do they build cake evenly?