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  1. sergemoat

    Tribute Tobaccos

    Thanks for the info Jud! It's unfortunate to hear that House of Windsor is no more, I've been looking for some Revelation after hearing it was Einstein's favorite smoke. I might just have to settle for the tribute blend.
  2. sergemoat

    Tribute Tobaccos

    What tobaccos are tribute blends of other tobaccos? Do you like any of them and have you tried the one's they mimic? How do they compare? A few that I know of: Balkan Sobranie - McClelland Blue Mountain, H&H Black house Bengal Slices - H&H Fusilier's Ration Revelation - Sutliff Private...
  3. sergemoat

    Hello from Victoria BC Canada

    Welcome! I've found that my taste has changed since I've started smoking a pipe and it's nice to revisit a blend I didn't like a few months later.
  4. sergemoat

    What Are You Smoking? *January 2013*

    Sam Gawith Navy Flake in a PS Studio
  5. sergemoat

    Bellingham WA

    Depending on your definition of "near" I'm in south Seattle.
  6. sergemoat

    Rusticated/sandblasted or Smooth?

    Smooth Meerschaums, and blasted briars.
  7. sergemoat

    Dumb criminals

    I remember I heard a story a while back about a thief who was dumbfounded he was caught by the cops. The thief was wearing all black, including a pair of black LA Lights sneakers.
  8. sergemoat

    What are You Smoking? December, 2012

    Samuel Gawith Navy Flake in a PS studio bulldog
  9. sergemoat

    My Ebay Dunhill 835 ODB Received

    I believe pipes made after 2000 are numbered "01" for 2001 and "02" for 2002 etc... Edit: Thats with the Oval logo
  10. sergemoat

    My Ebay Dunhill 835 ODB Received

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this is a more recent pipe (2001) because the Dunhill logo is inside an oval. As for the size ODB's are either larger then ODA's (group 6+) or are the same size as ODA's but have better grain. I bought a 2001 837 ODB a while back with similar...
  11. sergemoat

    What's your favorite beer?

    Not a big drinker but I do enjoy a Guiness every once in a while. I also like Gulden Draak and Lambic of all kinds
  12. sergemoat

    You Know Who You Are...

    I love to hear stories like this, great bunch of folks here. +1 on photos!
  13. sergemoat

    Already purchased me second pipe did I make the right choice?

    A VaPer is a blend of tobacco containing Virginias and Perique.
  14. sergemoat

    How Do You Like Your Steak?

    Rare or medium rare here. I've yet to try Pittsburgh or blue rare, maybe next time.
  15. sergemoat

    Troll Hunter! - and other Netflix finds...

    I really enjoyed "The Man From Earth." I'll have to check out Troll Hunter.
  16. sergemoat

    Historically Speaking? Way out of left field here...

    Wasn't tobacco brought to Europe from the new world? I'm not sure what other products they smoked before then, but that might be a good angle to research from.
  17. sergemoat

    Calabash Pipe Question

    Just finished reading Schrier's History of the Calabash Pipe and it was a great resource. Basically you want to find a calabash with good fitment of parts and no damage i.e. cracks/chips/fills. According to Schrier the cap material isn't as important as having an African Gourd body since...
  18. sergemoat

    Let's See Your Dublins!

    Werner Mummert squat dubin
  19. sergemoat


    I've got a jar of this sitting in my cellar. Tried two bowls, first was terrible reminded me of that 'old lady perfume' smell, you know, the one that stings your nose and burns your eyes. A few months later I packed another pipe and it was bearable, so maybe the next time I try this blend I...
  20. sergemoat

    A question

    Is the Sav a bent pipe? Bent pipes trap more moisture but tobacco(heavily cased/too moist) and/or smoking pace are also great contributors to goop.