I've been thinking about collecting Russian carvers lately. Here's my second Russian pipe, this one is made by Andrey Cherepanov. I believe its one of his earlier works since it's marked "GNOM". He and his brother Sergey started sharing the same "Cherepanov" stamp recently(please correct me if...
I love my PS Studio pipe. I find the bit to be the thinnest and most comfortable of all my pipes. They're made by two carvers under the supervision of Vladimir Grechukhin. I've seen some of their independently made pipes start to surface (Sergey Dyomin, and Alexander Tupitsyn)
here's mine
I would suggest filling the bottom of the bowl with pipe mud and leave the drilling as is. Mix up some pipe or cigar ash with water into a thick paste.
I was doing some research on Russian/Eastern European carvers and thought this belonged here. The shank spine detail really makes the pipe.
Alex Brishuta:
SPC member here, I'm not sure if I'm going to attend the dinner, but I have attended the previous two years. It's a fantastic event with great people and great food. The auction items this year look fantastic.
Very nice Peck, I'm also a fan of Mummert's craggy blast style. What do you think of his stems?
I've really got to get me one of those tampers of his love that 8-bit/topographical map look.
Someone was talking about one of his pipe/stand combos at the Chicago show, where the base was machined...
Just lit this guy up with some SG Best Brown Flake, pretty tasty for a first smoke. Even though the bowl had some sort of coating I would get hints of briar flavor from the shank. when I reached the bottom of the bowl wanting more all I got was a mouthful of ash.
The stem is pretty interesting, it has a very wide and deep 'v' channel into the stem and the bit is rounded over. The bit also has a horizontal groove cut into it, here's a good view of one of his bits from the side.
The stuff coming out of the Eastern European area is pretty amazing. One...