Werner Mummert Billiard

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Dec 24, 2012
I bought this Werner Mummert billiard today when I received the smokingpipes newsletter containing the latest pipe releases. I am a fan of Werner's deep blasts, which are unlike any other blasts I have seen emanating from European carvers.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
peck, that pipe has an outstanding blast, and the stem looks really well done and comfortable. How do his pipes smoke in comparison to a Rad or Ruthenberg? Congrats on another great addition to the collection, really well done.



Can't Leave
Mar 1, 2013
what a beaut! and way out of my price range in the foreseeable future. oh well. maybe someday



Feb 21, 2013
I'm fascinated with some of Mummert's far out pipes. He goes way beyond

pushing the envelop. The latest one pictured on SP looks like an oatmeal box

with a pipe chamber and a stem. He's really re-thinking all of the assumptions

about how pipes should look, and what a pipe is. He's the Duchamp of pipe


Dec 24, 2012
Mummert is really growing on me. He is a little out there, no question, but there is just no one in Europe (at least to my knowledge) who is doing designs and blasts like he does.

May 31, 2012
Mummert is really growing on me. He is a little out there, no question, but there is just no one in Europe (at least to my knowledge) who is doing designs and blasts like he does.

I agree 100% with that statement.

You have fine taste and a very keen eye.
I might also put Wallenstein in the supercreative avant-garde euro style too, because his stuff is otherworldly and totally alien almost, I can't believe anyone would think to make a pipe such as that, but the the brains of a genius and the hands of a true craftsman knows no bounds I reckon.
Your new Mummert is right up my alley as I've become more of a straight billiard man, that's a conservative shape from the master, but he can put a twist to even the most traditional of shapes, although I'd prefer the stem to be more tapered, the abrupt cut makes it look almost like a 9mm pipe, but hey, I'd take it with no complaints and love every puff!


I really really really really dig your Cubic the mostest tho!

mso489 said:

"He's the Duchamp of pipe carvers."
Duchamp indeed,

this "Tricky Top" is very much in the DaDa Fluxus realm!

There's quite a few reference points for his avant output, most of the time De Stijl or Bauhaus is mentioned, but there's also Constructivism, Cubism, Suprematism, Minimalism and probably all kinda other -ism stuff too (orgasmism) !, but his compositional structures in pipemaking are completely of his own mind, and he is undoubtedly a creative genius.
A true renaissance man.


Mindblowing design and inventive playfulness abound.
One of his specialties is the pipe w/ matching holder combo package, like many of the Great Danes used to do back in the freehand boomdays, but Mummert amplifies the whole exercise to another higher level, beyond imagination!
I mean, dig this pipe witha 'lil magnet onnit and the matching stand.

Free floating optical illusion!



...and this one throttles my motor bigtime,

the pipe resembles a Porsche crankshaft or something, and I wouldn't doubt that the holder of the stand is an actual Porsche connecting rod, just friggin' unbelievably too cool!






This one is about as far-out as a pipe can get, flip the little switch and you getta psychedelic lightshow!


An earlier piece,

stunning all the way around!


...and a few more pix to round it all out,

Mummert blows minds for a living!














Can't Leave
Oct 15, 2011
Very nice Peck, I'm also a fan of Mummert's craggy blast style. What do you think of his stems?
I've really got to get me one of those tampers of his love that 8-bit/topographical map look.
Someone was talking about one of his pipe/stand combos at the Chicago show, where the base was machined by taking a scan of the pipe and then milled out of the base burl. He said the pipe and stand mated so well it was like vacuum sealed.

May 31, 2012
Damn you Peck!

You've put me spellbound in Mummert mesmerism!
I came back to read further commentary. I noticed that Fnord used the correct terminology for the stem style, it is scalloped, certainly not an "abrupt cut" as I suggested, I couldn't think of the right word. I scroll'd back up and looked again at the billiard, the look has grown on me, it gave me pause for thought, my subjective filter processed the look as ungainly because of an internalized bias toward taper-stemm'd billiards of the traditional French/British school, and coming back looking again it was like a lightbulb in my head went off, I had gained a new perspective, it made me think, it rearranged my aesthetic parameters and open'd new circuits in my mind --- that is what any good artist can do, and most certainly the boundary-pushing tendencies of avant design flip heretofore unknown neural switches, if one is receptive to it that is, at first I was non-receptive and wore blinders into a brickwall of what somethings "supposed to look like" ---
--- and I also noticed the most subtle of elegant detail, the virgin unblasted wood at the junction carries the grain striations through most beautifully, the cross-over from blast to nonblast is perfecto, the band is extra-wide and does not have the darker overstain, this is a detail I totally miss'd upon first inspection and yet another sign of an artist ---
--- I've never seen anyone else do that particular visual trick, Mummert seems to have many arrows in his quiver and some are very inconspicuous,
”Right Dress,” a 1955 book by syndicated menswear columnist Bert Bacharach, includes the following passage about master of sartorial understatement Cary Grant:

Someone once gave me a very fine description of Cary Grant’s attire at a time when the motion-picture star was considered the best dressed man in this country: “I’ve been with Cary Grant a dozen times lately, and when I leave him I have the recollection that he was beautifully dressed. But, for the life of me, I can never remember a single thing he was wearing — his hat, shirt, tie, suit, or anything else.” And that’s what all of us should try to achieve — the impression of being well dressed without wearing any one article that blatantly sticks in a person’s memory.
--- it's kind of like that, it's just there.

More natural and not really a forced fashion for fashions sake, beyond mere ornamentation and more complex in application. The variety of diverse unorthodox design elements he uses may be shocking at first glance, but the forms all align to some sort of sacred ratio with intrigue and intuitiveness, the dynamics involved resonate in a new dimensionality of freaky frequencies with subliminal structures humming in weird rhythmic movements and delightful contrast.
"coherent integration"

___- k e y w o r d -___
Now that I've looked, I can see.

Dec 24, 2012
Thanks for the comments and observations.
misterlowercase - when I first saw the pipe one thing that really drew me toward it was the crossover from the blasted to non-blasted area in the shanks. I really love the way that looks. I really appreciate your very thoughtful comments on design.



Oct 8, 2012
Beautiful pipe. When I saw the picture of yours I went to the website to read up on Werner. I had not heard the name before. I liked what I saw and I ordered the junior version of yours stock number 002-560-0023. It is a sandblasted pot. Thanks for sharing your selection.
I figure my pipe is a fitting way to end the year 2013.
Happy New Year to you and your family.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
MLC, thanks for all those great pics, those are some amazing works of art. Werner is certainly on the cutting edge in terms of design.
Peck, have you gotten a chance to smoke this one yet? I am really interested in how it smokes. Now drop everything you are doing and light this sucker up. I don't want to see another pipe from you until you have told us about this one. Capice?

Dec 24, 2012
Peck, have you gotten a chance to smoke this one yet?
Harris, the pipe is still in transit. Recall that they ship up here via dog sled, so it takes some time. The dogs need to stop and take a dump every couple of hours.

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