Meerschaum pipe hair crack: help!

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Oct 25, 2013
Hello all,
So I have had this meerschaum pipe –my first in fact– for a little bit more than a week now and have been smoking it around twice a day in the somewhat cold weather of downtown Toronto (less than 10 degrees but not negative temperatures yet). It smokes great and I have been pretty happy about it and colouring it until I noticed a hair crack on its shank yesterday and fear it might be something serious (it seems to have expanded when I smoked it today but I am not sure of that yet). I have taken great care of that pipe ever since I got it and am quite disappointed by that crack...
Could you guys give me your opinion on the pipe and/or the reason why it developed a hair crack? I have attached some photos for you to have an idea of the pipe itself.

Do you think it is safe for me to keep on smoking it? How long do you anything abou ou think it might still have if I don't do anything about it? What can I do to fix the crack?
Let me add that I bought it from the AND meerschaum website for around 47$.



Feb 20, 2013
It is possible the crack was there when you purchased the pipe just not visible, hard to say for sure. I'm assuming you only have removed the stem for cleaning after a complete cool down from smoking.
If the crack starts at the connection with the stem and goes lengthwise, having a repair person put a ring on the end may be of some help. That solution could run you almost as much as you paid for the pipe after you ship and have shipped back.



Can't Leave
Oct 15, 2011
Quality of the Meer may be a factor as well as the extreme temperature differences.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
It is probably a fine pipe, but as onepyrotec said, the cost of repair plus round trip mailing just isn't justifiable.

Just enjoy it as it is. Maybe a little duck tape around the crack if it spreads. :lol:



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Is it a crack? Or. is it a seam where the pipe was repaired.
I purchased a meer 10 years ago that had been broken in manufacture. I company's rep was using the pipe as a model so the repair didn't matter. He was up front with me when I questions him. I wanted the pipe because of the shape and and the fact that it had only a small amount of carving, just enough to be gorgeous. The bowl had been broken from the stem completely. The repair was well done and I purchased the pipe for about 25% of wholesale value.
The only way I know of that you could tell of the hairline is the result of a repair is to very gently stress the pipe on either side of the line and see if it widens. Verrrry gently! If it doesn't flex it is probably a repair which will neither affect the staining or the smoking experience.
If it is indeed cracked, I am sure that there is a fixative available as meerschaum linings in pipes are usually made from meer residue which is formed into a slurry with some kind of hardener, allowed to set and then shaped and bored. I learned this years ago from a CAO rep and am trying to recall it from memory. I never thought to ask the rep what was used to glue my pipe back together.
As an aside; I never smoke my meers outside during the winter only because I feel that they can't handle the temperature difference between the inside wall and the outer when in use. I'm not sure that meerschaum is as sensitive to temperature extremes as briar, but wood has the ability to contract and expand a bit. I don't believe that meerschaum can handle that sort of movement as well as wood.
Hope this helps.



Oct 25, 2013
Hey guys,
First of all, thanks for such quick answers. It is much appreciated.
onepyrotech, the hairline crack/seam is at the junction of the shank and the bowl, running around it.
Warren, it seems like more of a seam than a crack to me. To be honest, I myself noticed some whiter marks on the pipe when I first inspected it upon reception and was wondering if some sort of repair was done on the block itself during the manufacturing process as it seemed that those whiter marks denounced the use of meerschaum powder to strengthen or stick back together some weaker parts. Hence, it might very well be a seam which is getting somewhat more pronounced/recognizable. I also tried to stress the pipe and it does not flex, so I will hope that it is indeed a benign seam. Do you think that it could expand in a manner that would break the shank completely if I continue smoking it though?
I have to admit that I have been smoking my meer outside from sheer ignorance that colder temperatures could be so dangerous to them. Unluckily, I live in a non-smocking graduate dorm and cannot enjoy my pipes while taking advantage of the comfort of my room and this is what pushed me to go smoking outside so often. Yet I've got to admit that I first noticed that seam/crack when smoking at a friend's place yesterday –hence when smoking inside! It is really a pity that one is prevented from enjoying a good Oriental blend while writing philosophical texts! Good thing Bertrand Russel, Sartre, Einstein and all the other pipe lovers passed away before the government started imposing so many restrictions on us pipe lovers...
To go back to the meer, I would still have a couple questions. Even though I am definitively going to stop smoking it outside until the end of the winter (I'll have to say goodbye to him for the 6 long months of Canadian winter :crying: ), would the seam/crack still expand even if I just smoke it inside, or outside during warmer temperatures? By that, I mean that would the seam/crack continue expanding from now on even if I pay attention to the temperature in which I smoke the pipe? What would you say is a safe temperature cap to stop smoking meerschaum pipes outside?
Finally, I own two lovely briars and three cobs, are they suitable for winter smoking (-10 to 0 degrees and 0 to 10 degrees) ? If no, what would you say is a suitable temperature cap for them?
Many thanks again for your answers, they are really helpful!



Oct 25, 2013
I put a picture of the pipe on the spot where it has a seam/crack as my profile picture. I hope you can see it enough to give an opinion but I was not able to figure out how to post pictures on the thread (do you have an idea how this is done and if this is even possible?).



Oct 25, 2013
Oh well it worked. Here you go with some images of the damage. As you will notice, there is a dark seam aside of some more benign marks. This is because I wanted to make sure it was actually a crack/seam and not just some colouring or other and kind of ran my pipe tool on the crack/seam trying to feel the crack/seam. Very stupid, I know...
From the available pictures, does it look like a good quality meerschaum pipe? Most of all, what could you say about the crack/seam?
Thanks for your help, it is highly appreciated and valued!



Can't Leave
Nov 26, 2011
New Jersey
Judging from what I can see in the photos, it doesn't look like either a crack or a seam, but more like a scratch. My meer has a few similar marks that I managed to put on it, which in my case are fingernail marks from less-than-careful handling. Meers are soft and quite susceptible to damage.



Feb 20, 2013
From what I can see in the photos, it looks more like a scratch. The more you smoke it, the more it will stand out from the beginnings of the coloring process of the pipe. If it is actually a crack, not a lot you can do but enjoy the pipe the best you can.
Do you have access to a jeweler's loupe for a close up look?



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I purchased my repaired meer in the late 80's. It has smoked fine, a bowl or two a week lately. Perhaps I treat it a little more gently when knocking the bowl on the cork. That's the only concession I've made. The repair seam darkens a little slower than the surrounding area.
My advice is to remember that it has a "possible" weak spot when cleaning the pipe, otherwise enjoy the pipe.
When it's below zero and I have to be out and about I keep my pipe in an inside pocket, at near body temp. When I light up I keep the my, usually gloved, hand wrapped around the bowl as much as possible to minimize the inner and outer wall temp difference. My cobs, the pipe I usually have in my jaw when working outside, seem to survive nicely with this treatment. My less expensive, mostly Petersons, show no adverse reaction. I have a hinged cap Pete that does yoeman duty outside when photographing, its a fairly costy pipe, and is small enough fit in the shirt pocket between smokes. That's the only expensive (I know . . .To you Dunhill fans, it's not a really expensive pipe!) pipe I that I subject to what I consider to be extremes. It's a small, thick-walled little unit well designed to be smoked on the farm or in the woods.



Oct 25, 2013
Hey guys,
Thanks for all your answers but I ended up simply returning the pipe to the seller for a replacement. I am now happily smoking my new meer and will be careful of any temperature changes!

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