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  1. sergemoat

    TAD at the Seattle Pipe Club

    SPC members do get a discount at the Tacoma Tinderbox.
  2. sergemoat

    Pipe Stands

    There are a few bowl up styles of racks out there(the Davidoff rack is really cool, too bad they're crazy expensive) From what I hear the bowl down allows the post smoke moisture to drain to the bowl and be absorbed by the cake.
  3. sergemoat

    Colt .45

    I thought this thread was going to be about malt liquor lol.
  4. sergemoat

    Show Off Your Ferndown (or Les Woods) Pipes

    Here's my Ferndown ** Bark, my 3p's pipe.
  5. sergemoat

    Saddle Stems?

    I'm a fan of the saddle for comfort, but I'm not a clencher and I like very thin bits.
  6. sergemoat

    BBQ & The Big Green Egg

    Can't beat the flavor of charcoal. Gas grilled food just doesn't taste right.
  7. sergemoat

    If You Could Collect Only One Shape

    Bulldog or Rhodesian here.
  8. sergemoat

    Giant Pipe

    Looks like an alphorn!
  9. sergemoat

    Too Nice to Smoke?

    Wow, you got a steal! While I do understand the idea of a collector not smoking a pipe (after all stamp collectors don't go licking their stamps and dropping them off in the mail box, even though thats what they're designed for) but I'm not a collector so I say smoke it!
  10. sergemoat

    Kirk Bosi

    Those Becker Pencil shank pipes are very cool. Love the stem detail on the Bosi as well. Very nice pipes.
  11. sergemoat

    What Do You Do For A Living?

    Did a few years in the USAF and now I'm an auto repair tech at an independent shop.
  12. sergemoat

    Showoff Your Dunhill Pipes Here!

    Sorry about the terrible cell pic but here's mine: ODB 837
  13. sergemoat

    Different Types Tobacco Cuts

    Don't forget plugs the "brick" of tobacco that is then sliced to get flakes (Peterson's Perfect Plug, or 3p's, is one of my favorites). I've heard of twists refered to as ropes, and curlies refered to as coins as well.
  14. sergemoat

    Hello Everyone!

  15. sergemoat

    Indian Motorcycles

    If it's something different you're looking for I'd go with the MV. The Italians have been doing some crazy stuff with bikes. Cant say I've ridden either of them though. Plus the MV's are just gorgeous, the four pipe exhaust on their F4's are beautiful.
  16. sergemoat

    Looks Like I'm Getting Promoted!

    Very nice! Hope you enjoy it.
  17. sergemoat

    Mississippi River

    I prefer Mississippi River over Plum Pudding. I find I enjoy the sweetness of MR to be more enjoyable, thats not to say there isn't a time for PP. You may want to try calling some of the sponsors to see if they have it, I've heard that you might be able to get it from smokingpipes. Side note: I...
  18. sergemoat

    What Are You Smoking? June 2013

    Samuel Gawith FVF in a PS Studio bulldog.
  19. sergemoat

    Rad Davis

    Vauen makes one: via Smokingpipes I missed out on Ebay a few weeks ago when one of these sold for 20 bucks.
  20. sergemoat

    Marking Name on Pipe?

    1. Get a pipe case 2. Include business card/contact info If you forget your pipe you'll probably forget the case too.