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  1. tjameson

    Love at First Light, McClellend Dark Star

    Thanks linkdead and Andrew! I followed the same packing today, but let it dry closer to an hour. Loaded it up in my Tsuge Mizki Dublin. I have never tasted a VA so sweet and up to this point I've enjoyed VA's but never understood the sweetness. After it settled down it was like having a hard...
  2. tjameson

    My Cellar Plan

    Homeatsea I agree Marlin Flake is delicious and will most likely be cellared in quantity too. The FVF that I had was bulk from a B&M and I now have one tin in the cellar aging. I really need some to smoke now though haha
  3. tjameson

    My Cellar Plan

    Just started getting a plan together for the cellar. It's by no means all inclusive, but this is what I feel would be a good place to start based on what I have tried and enjoy. My Cellar Cellar Lots of: McClellend Dark Star MacBaren Old Dark Fired MacBaren London Burley Blend Escudo SPC...
  4. tjameson

    Love at First Light, McClellend Dark Star

    I have a 100g tin of St. James Woods aging. The Dark Star was tinned '06 IIRC, so it had a good amount of age on it and smells amazing in the tin. I'd like to try the Blackwoods too as I've heard great things. I say pop it Roth and enjoy!
  5. tjameson

    Love at First Light, McClellend Dark Star

    A few weeks back I opened a tin of Dark Star generously gifted to me by Bob (Rmbittner). I let it sit for aalmost three weeks while I finished my tin of ODF. Today I was looking for something different to smoke and decided it was time to try it. I was a little nervous it would be a hassle...
  6. tjameson

    Esoterica Stonehaven

    I think Stonehaven is a good smoke. I'm honestly still trying to figure it out, which is a good thing. I enjoy the flavors and I would buy a bag around the $35 price, but I personally wouldn't chase it. I have many other blends that I enjoy as much and definitely more.
  7. tjameson

    Esoterica Stonehaven

    I think Stonehaven is a good smoke. I'm honestly still trying to figure it out, which is a good thing. I enjoy the flavors and I would buy a bag around the $35 price, but I personally wouldn't chase it. I have many other blends that I enjoy as much and definitely more.
  8. tjameson

    Esoterica Stonehaven

    I think Stonehaven is a good smoke. I'm honestly still trying to figure it out, which is a good thing. I enjoy the flavors and I would buy a bag around the $35 price, but I personally wouldn't chase it. I have many other blends that I enjoy as much and definitely more.
  9. tjameson

    Box Pass

    Glad to hear you enjoyed it! I've been moving but now I should be able to participate as I plan on bei g in my place for at least two years.
  10. tjameson

    A Long Overdue Thank You to Cigrmaster!

    Thanks for the kind words Harris! I'll be sure to take good care of them and enjoy every smoke.
  11. tjameson

    Antique Mall PAD Today!

    Thanks for the info Jim and Gnat.
  12. tjameson

    Antique Mall PAD Today!

    The Kaywoodie is a standard tenon. The WDC is a push tenon. The stem is a larger inside diameter and slips onto an aluminum tenon in the mortise.
  13. tjameson

    Your Burial Pipe and Blend

    If I don't have a son or relative that would appreciate and smoke my pipes. Then I would be buried with my Tsuge that was my first Christmas gift from my daughter. I would also want all my tobacco with me, gotta have choices.
  14. tjameson

    A Cooke and a Cob

    Beautiful pipe Peck! I love the 12 days of Christmas idea lol
  15. tjameson

    Antique Mall PAD Today!

    Thanks Chris and gnat! The Kaywoodie is a keeper for sure. It's unique enough to keep in the collection. I may sell the WDC when it's done to fund some more Estate PAD. I think i would regret getting rid of the Kaywoodie even though I haven't smoked it yet. Its surprisingly my smallest bowl...
  16. tjameson

    Antique Mall PAD Today!

    Damn sorry for the huge photos!
  17. tjameson

    Antique Mall PAD Today!

    Here is the progress on the WDC. Process so far: Wipe exterior with damp paper towels. Soak stem overnight in oxyclean dish detergent (not the machine kind). Used a dremel sanding disk to begin reaming (not happy with that and have to figure out how to ream without a reamer). Used tons of...
  18. tjameson

    Antique Mall PAD Today!

    Well here we go! These are the before pictures. The Kaywoodie is up top and the WDC below. Kaywoodie Relief Grain 22 WDC Royal Demuth 44 (Filter Pat'd 1934) WDC progress photos coming soon...
  19. tjameson

    A Long Overdue Thank You to Cigrmaster!

    The Double Comfort refers to the stem as it steps into a thinner profile about half way to the button. The are very flat stems too which is nice for clenching.
  20. tjameson

    A Long Overdue Thank You to Cigrmaster!

    Honestly at this point I have 14 pipes and 5 of which came as acts of kindness from members here. I've never met more generous people in my life and I know when I'm in a better position in life I will do the same for members of this great community. The great people here are what make me...