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  1. tjameson

    Some More Foggy Drawings

    Absolutely amazing work Foggy. Your photo portraits are great. I love portraits and find them to be very interesting but I have a terrible time trying to photograph people. It's just not my thing.
  2. tjameson

    Images of a Forgotten America

    Thank you so much for sharing. I always loved old/abandoned buildings and wanted to do a photo project like this...someday.
  3. tjameson

    Show Off Your Self-Made Pipes Here!

    Great stem work Ryan! I enjoyed reading about your experience making that pipe BigVan and think it turned out great! Nice job Delkhouri I think you picked a nice shape for a first pipe and executed it very well!
  4. tjameson

    Is It Hot Where You Are?

    mso i moved into it from SF Bay Area a month ago :crying: so hot i didn't smoke the first 3 weeks I was here!
  5. tjameson

    Show Off Your Tsuge's Here!

    This one had a stinger but it just slips out. The first time I smoked it was strange. Then I broke it down to clean it saw the stinger and pulled it out. Its been my best smoker ever since. I really wish they still had this model. Id probably have sold a bunch of crap and bought out their lot. I...
  6. tjameson

    Show Off Your "XX Brand" PIpes Here!

    Here's my first contribution :D Show Off Your Tsuge Here
  7. tjameson

    Show Off Your Tsuge's Here!

    I'll kick this one off! Hands down my favorite pipe. Tsuge Mizki Dublin Dedicated VA, VAPer, VABur pipe
  8. tjameson

    Show Off Your Petersons Here!

    1979 Pete System Star 305 a very special gift from Chris (gwtwbss) I smoke a little of everything in this pipe as it can't make up its mind and it smokes everything well, it's my only non dedicated pipe even my cobs are just for Lat blends. A great smoker.
  9. tjameson

    Is It Hot Where You Are?

    109 today and hit 118 last week. Its humid too really hoping we get rain this weekend!
  10. tjameson

    Neat Idea For The Forum

    Glad to have you here freehand :roll: Maybe next time just come out and voice your opinion before you go through the mocking channel first. Last time I checked we are all grown men and women. Obviously it's already a sticky so someone thought it was a good idea and it won't clutter up "your"...
  11. tjameson

    Happy Birthday U.S.A.!!!!!!!

    Celebrating 237 years of straight teeth today :rofl:
  12. tjameson

    "Real" Tobacco

    Too true, Captain Black and other OTC's have been around for a long time for a reason. One major reason being that many many people enjoy them as much if not more than higher dollar blends. Smoke what you got and most importantly smoke what you enjoy!
  13. tjameson

    Happy Independence Day Homer Style

    What not to do with your pipe today :rofl:
  14. tjameson

    PMon is Getting Big

    Don't think you could find a better looking pooch than that! Thanks for sharing Bradley.
  15. tjameson

    Neat Idea For The Forum

    I like it! What if you just start one thread called "Show Off Your..." That thread could contain links to all other "Show Off Your" threads. Maybe that way if enough people participate and we have at least a few carvers/brands to start with maybe a mod can sticky it? It's a cool idea I...
  16. tjameson

    Some More Foggy Drawings

    I really like both and the self portrait is quite excellent that is unless you are actually a clean shaven 20/20 visioned Asian then I say you missed the mark. :nana:
  17. tjameson

    How Do You Like Your Steak?

    On a plate... Ill eat any meat but my preference is medium rare to rare. Salt/pepper/ garlic/ butter I like sautéed mushrooms occasionally. I do make a mean Tri-tip in the crock pot though.
  18. tjameson

    Another Rainy Smoke

    What's rain? Lol it got up to 118 here in the Phoenix area this week.