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  1. prairiedruid

    Pipe Cleaner

    If you run out you can always find some low quality ones at Walmart in the arts/craft section; not that it ever happened to me.... :oops:
  2. prairiedruid

    Produce More Smoke ?

    If you're dead set on more smoke some blends do create more smoke than others. I find Peter Stokkebye's Nougat about the smokiest smoke that I've smoked. :puffpipe:
  3. prairiedruid

    Standard Tobacco Company of PA Reviews & Backstory: Interview with Woodsroad

    Well the plutonium would counteract the valerian plus give the bar a cool glowing effect.
  4. prairiedruid

    Standard Tobacco Company of PA Reviews & Backstory: Interview with Woodsroad

    Actually it depends what part of the valerian plant they of the root are soporific but if they used the flower that is more of a flavoring/perfuming agent.
  5. prairiedruid

    Life lessons

    I'm suspicious of people who don't like dogs but I trust a dog when it doesn't like a person. Bill Murray
  6. prairiedruid

    What type of internet user are you?

    Curmudgeon..... and you better stay off my virtual lawn as well.
  7. prairiedruid

    40% tax increase ?!?! (Pennsylvania)

    Also a worry for many of us should be that is based in Pennsylvania and depending on how the law is written could extend the tax to their online sales.
  8. prairiedruid

    Are Virginias Harder to Appreciate?

    Good point by newbroom about over packing flakes and coins. At first I jammed coins of Bulls Eye Luxury Flake in my cob and had a hell of a time to get it going and get flavor from it. Once I backed off and used just a coin and a half it gave me a much better smoke and flavor.
  9. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (September 2015)

    PS Proper English in a cob.
  10. prairiedruid

    Any sitewide sales better than 20% off?

    I received one as well with my September order. October looks better already!
  11. prairiedruid

    October Tobacco Crawl with Greg L. Pease

    Woohoo! A plane I can smoke in..... a plane full of pipe smokers would be quite the experience. "Captain Brass please make some extra circles of the airport; I'm not quite done with this bowl."
  12. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (September 2015)

    3 Oaks Syrian in a cob.
  13. prairiedruid

    Do I clean my pipe correct?

    Nailing it to a tree and using a pressure washer on it is great for removing cake build up.
  14. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (September 2015)

    Elizabethan Mixture in a cob.
  15. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (September 2015)

    PS Proper English in a cob.
  16. prairiedruid

    40% tax increase ?!?! (Pennsylvania)

    The other problem is if PA does this does it catch the attention of legislators in other states? Hey PA is rolling in dough from the extra $10k they got by taxing pipe tobaccos.....we should do it too. :evil:
  17. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (September 2015)

    PS Luxury Bulls Eye Flake in a cob.
  18. prairiedruid

    Jim's Standard Tobacco Company Reviews.

    That would be an epic crawl.