Produce More Smoke ?

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Sep 17, 2015
Hey guys im fairly new to pipe smoking. I was just wondering if there is a way to produce a really big amout of smoke per puff (like in hookas, i was a hookah smoker)

I also was wondering, i felt that pipe smoke is lighter than other smoke (lighter than hooka's), am I just dreaming?

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Oct 15, 2013
Personally, I prefer to not to put most of the tobacco into the air. For me it's best enjoyed in sips. I do think that some tobaccos produce more smoke than others, but that's not the primary reasons for smoking a pipe. It's the taste, right? TEHO.
Welcome to the forums, BTW!



Sep 17, 2015
Youre right about taste my friend! Although I do like to puff alot of smoke for some reason. Its about tadte but it is also about having a great time right? And puffing alot of smoke somehow makes me hve a good time hahaha ;)! Anybody got any tips?

Thanks for the welcome!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 5, 2015
Why would you want lots of smoke? Take smaller sips, waste less tobacco. If you smoke too fast to produce smoke, you will only waste a lot of tobacco and have the risk of damaging your pipe.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 25, 2014
Just a guess on my part but if you want more smoke try goopy aros. The excess smoke is probably due to all the stuff added to the hookah tobacco. A goopy aro should give you similar results.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 10, 2015
I've only used hookah once, but there you've got the advantage of the coals. Your pipe just has its little ember--and if the ember gets out of control, as others have said, you scald the sugars and oils that give the smoke its flavor, and you risk burning straight through the bowl of your briar.
I get why you're asking. Pipe smoking is a multi-sensory experience, and watching the smoke rise and sail is part of that experience. Flavor is just one small part of this old and venerable tradition.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 11, 2015
I've got a tip for you.You should try a technique called "breathsmoking".There are even videos on the subject.It really isn't something complicated though,it is simply keeping the pipe in your mouth for longer periods of time and breathing normally doing so.The rest will happen by itself,and I guarantee you there will be as much smoke as you can handle:))).I was told about this by some guys,members here and it is a whole new world to discover.I also enjoy smoke.Try it!!



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Breathsmoking is actually supposed to produce less smoke. The idea is to just have a trickle of smoke coming from the pipe. Really, I try to keep the smoke to the undetectable range, this is how men smoked when I was growing up, and it makes sense. The slower you smoke, the more time your mouth has to absorb the nicotine. The slower you smoke, the better your pipe will cake and stay a healthy pipe. I'm in no hurry to waste all of the tobacco into the air. And, after spending so much time around pipe guys, making clouds just looks to me like you are smoking a pipe for the very first time, with no idea what you're doing.
However, if you just want a more smoky tobacco, and you have your heart set on just making clouds for clouds sake, you might try C&D Burley Flake #1. But, keep in mind your tongue is going to hate you, and your pipe is going take a beating.

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 11, 2015
Well that may be so,but in my case it produces quite a lot of smoke.I think it is because by doing so the amber is kept constantly and evenly lit,giving 100 % back.But I am not an expert and I might be doing it wrong for all I know.



Mar 3, 2014
Kennesaw, GA
Smoking a pipe is not like smoking a hookah. If you want lots of smoke, then smoke a hookah. You smoke a tobacco pipe and expect billowing clouds of smoke then you can expect a few things, none of them are good.
If you start puffing on a pipe quite a bit to produce lots of smoke you'll find your pipe getting very hot. That, in turn will produce more condensation in your bowl and make the pipe "gurgle". More condensation(water) mixed with the heat produces steam and you'll probably burn your mouth and/or tongue. You'll also find that when you pipe heats up the flavor of the tobacco diminishes. Now this is a generalization when it comes to smoking a tobacco pipe. There are a few blends that can stand up to a little extra puffing, but it also depends on the moisture level of the tobacco. There's also the other spectrum of ones that WILL NOT tolerate the extra heat...(i.e straight virginias).
How do I know this??? I tend to be a bit of a puffer, and have learned over the last few years to slow down and sip. The "breath-smoking" technique that was mentioned before is ideal for best flavor and burn rate. Just clench the pipe, and go about your business.
Again for best results, if you want lots of smoke, smoke a hookah or cigar.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Redpanda, one of the best parts of this hobby is that there are no rules. I just posted my experience and my observations. If someone else gets different results and they like it, then go for it. And, if someone else wants to puff like a freight train burning wet coal up a hill, then go for it. ...just stand over on the other side of the room from me. :D



Jun 30, 2015
If you're dead set on more smoke some blends do create more smoke than others. I find Peter Stokkebye's Nougat about the smokiest smoke that I've smoked. :puffpipe:



Jul 21, 2015
I was just wondering if there is a way to produce a really big amout of smoke per puff
Inhaled, or in the air around you?
Do you want the visual effect, or actual smoke?
Someone posted something profound somewhere:
Pipe-smoking is an enthusiasm
I like that much better than "hobby."
Part of that includes fascinations and things that might be seen as fetishes. As Blake said, "The road of excess leads to the path of wisdom." If a fascination cannot be logically denied, it must be explored to its end.
For that reason, I think your request is important.
If you want lots of smoke, mix a nice dry burley with an aro and dampen the tobacco slightly with a sprayer. Key word is slightly. This produces more steam to make the smoke more visible. You will have to burn it hotter.
If you want to get that blast of smoke around you as you light up, make sure you have a big bowl pipe and on the first light after you char/tamp, use a circular motion to get the whole thing ablaze. Then draw in a lot of smoke and blow it out, letting some out through the pipe. This will produce a giant cloud of smoke. (You will get some additional moisture in the pipe however.)
Also it helps to be slightly backlit or lit to the side in an otherwise moderate light room.
If you get a video post it here :)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 11, 2015
Cosmic,your experience and observations are most welcome and much appreciated Sir!

I do not like my pipe too hot myself and the freight train ain't my thing either. It is just that from my own experience I have found that if you clench the pipe long enough,you will eventually come to the point when you will have to take a puff and due to it having been kept burning constantly it will most probably produce quite a lot of smoke.That's what the man was asking for,if I remember well.Just trying to help really.Cheers!!



Jul 21, 2015
I try to keep the smoke to the undetectable range, this is how men smoked when I was growing up, and it makes sense. The slower you smoke, the more time your mouth has to absorb the nicotine. The slower you smoke, the better your pipe will cake and stay a healthy pipe.
I second these observations. The point is to have a slow constant draw of smoke, like with a cigar.
But, if you want more smoke volume, one word: shag. Dry tobacco burns faster and so emits giant clouds of smoke. Might mix it with one of those soda pop aros for the burning sugar effect.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I was behind a car yesterday, and the guy takes a puff off of one of those electronic cigar things and smokes rolls out of all four windows like a Cheech and Chong movie. It's just silly how some people want to do stuff like that, and I'll have to say that in 20 years of participating in our local Lebanese food festival with about ten hookas set up for people to try, one of the first things they'll tell you as they instruct you in how to use the thing is that making big billows of smoke is a sure sign of a simple mind or a newbie. Big billowy clouds must just be a child's thing.



Jul 21, 2015
In this town, a popular thing to do is to install a speaker under the hood of your car so that everyone else can hear your music too. It draws attention, just like big billowy clouds of smoke do, and that is probably why most of those who want them seek them. But, some just love the aesthetics or experience of it. I can dig that, even if it's not my thing. Also in fiction, the "big billowy clouds" is as much a trope as "burns down to fine white ash," and that's the mental image people have which they seek in the experience.

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