Produce More Smoke ?

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Feb 21, 2013
texmex got there first, but I'll second the motion. To produce fuller volumes of smoke, either smoke Cavendish blends, aromatic or non-aromatic, suit yourself, or simply use a hefty pinch of Cavendish to mix with other blends you like. Cav comes in black and golden, flavored and not, and you can experiment and find the volume of smoke that suits you. As time goes by, you may find other dimensions in pipe smoking that don't rely much on volume of smoke, but as long as that's what you like, I think you can produce what you need, smoke-wise. It may not be a hookha, but it will give you noticeably more volume.



Jul 21, 2015
It's like attending a wine tasting and standing up to ask the room, "how much of this do I drink to vomit as fast as possible?"
Now I have to try this. Preferably while wearing a tuxedo.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I reread what I posted. Did I cross a line? I didn't think I was harsh. But, yeh Rob, your right, we should be a bit more "first time" friendly. I appologize to the OP if I seemed too brazen, bold, or whatever. This was a great post idea. I hope you'll keep us arguing, debating, and learning. Keep 'em cominh.



Can't Leave
Apr 29, 2015
I wasn't thinking about you, Cosmic, but we do need to remember that not everyone knows what we know. I just gave a test, and the average was a whole lot lower than I expected. It looks like I forgot that they hadn't spent the last 30 years studying what I study!
I've only been smoking the pipe for a little over a year, and I burned my tongue pretty regularly for the first six months, and occasionally for the next four. I feel like I'm just now "really getting it," and I never would have gotten it, had it not been for the knowledge, patience and kindness of a few members here.
I guess I'm still new enough to be sensitive to newbie issues.



Jan 27, 2013
If someone likes to vape and it helps them cut back on cigarettes then that is great. Aside from Alice and Wonderland hookas are outside my realm of experience.
But from a pipe smoking perspective I think it is great that a pipe does not clog the room up like cigarettes and cigars. Pipe smoke is rather ethereal. That for me is what really makes it far more acceptable in a social situation. Folks with medical breathing situations or allergies aside, many pipe tobacco blends, aromatic or otherwise, are not an in your face smoke. There are exceptions of course.
As a pipe smoker and trying to be considerate aside from all the political correct BS going on right now, I think pipes are the least offensive because of the smoke volume and it's quick dispersion into the atmosphere. If I could not watch the smoke as it played through a sunlit breeze or blow a ring every once in a while it would take some magic moments away from the experience however. :wink:



Jul 21, 2015
I like to ask them, "before we start, is there anywhere here that you'd prefer I not piss?"
Probably a really effective ice-breaker.
My feeling on newbies is... well, it might help to compile some of this stuff into a FAQ, but also, it helps to remember we all came from ignorance.
At the same time, newbies would be getting treated like precious snowflakes if they were not exposed to the ornery/curmudgeon side of the pipe smoking world, and I think it's what a lot of people need: a solid and firm voice that shows them what is and what is not.
My favorite teachers growing up were basically fascists. No mercy, but also, when you finally got praise, you had really earned it.
I like to this of this community in the same way!



Jan 27, 2013
" A goopy aro should give you similar results."
Uh, no. Not necessarily. Hookas I know nothing about but someone mentioned that glycerine is added to the hooka tobacco. That sounds to me like why it is so smokey. Pipe tobacco is going to be less or more so because of the tobacco used in the blend. Toppings tend to be flavorings which are basically food flavorings. An aromatic may be goopy without creating anymore smoke than a non aromatic blend. I am not a cigar guy but look at the smoke a cigar produces and most cigars are not aromatic smokes.



Feb 1, 2014
Augusta, Ga
When I'm wanting a nicotine hit I want the bellows of smoke thru my nose. When I want to taste the tobacco I like it sipped with only a whisper of smoke thru a cool bowl. Different tobaccos lend themselves to the different desired effects.



Dec 24, 2014
Tucson Az
In my experience but lets tend to produce smoke more then say a Virginia or a English blend. but your not going to get clouds of smoke like a hookah from a pipe.



Jul 21, 2015
I was just wondering if there is a way to produce a really big amout of smoke per puff
This topic has stayed in my mind for a couple years now, mainly because it is curious.
I have an answer:
Much as flake delivers more flavor/nicotine because of the greater density of the blend, dry tobacco tends to crush down and thus a lot more of it burns at once, and it tends to burn faster.
So if you wanted to generate a lot of smoke -- externally, on lighting, or with each puff or sip -- I would suggest drying out your favorite tobacco, mixing it 50/50 with some recently opened Five Brothers or equivalent, and giving it the torch in a circular motion so as to get all of it lit to a decent depth.
Then, you should be enclosed in a giant cloudfront of delicious-smelling pipe smoke. I can see the appeal, even if like others I would caution that trying to burn to produce smoke will waste more tobacco than usual and can burn out your pipe, tongue, and family members.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 14, 2017
This is an interesting topic. I had a similar question when I switched to pipes from premium cigars.

My cigar experience in regards to volume of smoke was always billowy thick fuller bodied smoker.

When switching to pipes I found that thick full bodied smoke did not apply to all blends.

I see the allure in thick billowy pipe smoke just have to find the right blend pipe combo!



Jul 23, 2014
The Lower Forty of Hill Country
Produce More Smoke ?
Try burning your tobacco in one of these...




Jul 21, 2015
Cavendish and Cigar Leaf add body, so maybe... but if you let it get nice and dry, and/or try Pipestud's (I think) blender technique, you can cram a whole lot of tobacco into a pipe and really set it ablaze, which results in room-filling smoke.
Especially good for photo sessions I would imagine.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 17, 2017
I’m another fellow who came to pipes as a long time cigar smoker. It’s probably best to go into things without preconceived notions. And if you wanna really produce massive clouds of smoke, check out vaping. First time I got behind a vaper at a stoplight, I thought the guy’s car was on fire



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 29, 2013
Get yourself a nice 60 ring ga. cigar if you want a nice header while you hot box!



Feb 21, 2013
Interesting thread. I do like a little extra volume produced by Cavendish, but only when it comes around. It's not a goal. My favorite blends usually satisfy my yin for volume, some with Cavendish, like PC/Russ O.'s Log Cabin.

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