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  1. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (September 2015)

    Elizabethan Mixture in a basket briar.
  2. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (September 2015)

    PS Nougat in a cob.
  3. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (September 2015)

    Westminster in a cob.
  4. prairiedruid

    Bottom of bowl taste

    It happens.....don't get hung up on smoking every last bit of tobacco in every pipe bowl. If you get down to the last 1/4 or less of a bowl and it starts tasting bad just dump it out. No sense in smoking that last 25 cents of tobacco and not enjoying it just for the sake of not "wasting" it.
  5. prairiedruid

    Dan Johnson (WoodsRoad) on Radio Show of Sept 22, 2015

    Nice link between story telling and tobacco blending; very well said!
  6. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (September 2015)

    PS Luxury Bulls Eye Flake in a cob.
  7. prairiedruid

    Do you eat organic?

    Organic foods I've found to be in general better tasting/higher quality but more expensive and there is a large portion of the population that won't spend that extra money or never have experienced the difference to justify the added money. It costs me more to care and feed my chickens than...
  8. prairiedruid

    Criminal Behavior

    Any chance we could get MSO nominated for the next Supreme Court opening?
  9. prairiedruid

    PS Luxury Bullseye Tolerates Drying Well

    I heartily agree with cobguy. Mmmmm love me some Luxury Bulls Eye Flake. "What's that Lassie? Timmy is trapped in the well and I have to smoke some LBF to save him." Time to be a hero!
  10. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (September 2015)

    3 Oaks Syrian in a cob.
  11. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (September 2015)

    PS Proper English in a cob.
  12. prairiedruid

    First tobacco purchase

    I would avoid Best of the Rest and just buy samples of other aros. You have some nice ones in your order and I might add some Lane 1-Q and maybe some Peter Stokkebye's bulk aros like Nougat.
  13. prairiedruid

    First tobacco purchase

    Best of the Rest is where P&C puts odds and ends from all tobacco sold. When they pack up an order of bulk and some falls out on the table while weighing and bagging an order it gets thrown in the best of the rest bin. It is a mix of everything that is sold as bulk so aros, english, whatever...
  14. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (September 2015)

    PS Luxury Bulls Eye Flake in a cob.
  15. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (September 2015)

    3 Oaks Syrian in a cob.
  16. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (September 2015)

    Westminster in a cob.
  17. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (September 2015)

    PS Proper English in a cob.
  18. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (September 2015)

    Elizabethan Mixture in a cob.
  19. prairiedruid

    Pipe Cleaner

    I only posted that as an emergency case; hence why I said low quality.
  20. prairiedruid

    Marriage + PAD + TAD

    Just work out a budget that gives each of you some "mad" money every month to do what you please with. That way she can buy what she wants with no guilt and you can buy tobacco/pipes guilt free as well. Congrats on your upcoming nuptials.