I have been thinking about starting a thread like this for a little while and then pitchfork posted this last week:
Is this a normal phenomenon? Is it supposed to take more practice and experience before I start to enjoy what Virginia tobaccos have to offer?
As my palate matures and as my technique improves, I am starting to be able to appreciate Latakia mixtures with more and more consistency but when it comes to straight Virginias and VaPr's etc., I am still having trouble discerning much flavor and if I do, it is extremely subtle.Virginias can just be difficult to smoke when you're starting out. I smoked a tin of McClelland Navy Flake, and most of a tin of GLP Union Square and GLP Montgomery, before I started getting much beyond soot, ashes and hot, tasteless air.
Part of it was smoking too hot and puffing too fast, but a big part of it for me was that my palate just didn't recognize the flavors that Virginias can provide. I don't know if it's physiological or psychological (or both), but lots of smokers try great blends like Escudo and get nothing from them. Union Square is one of my favorites, now, but when I smoked that first tin I was really unimpressed.
Is this a normal phenomenon? Is it supposed to take more practice and experience before I start to enjoy what Virginia tobaccos have to offer?