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24 Fresh Brigham Pipes
24 Fresh Rossi Pipes
8 Fresh Jacono Pipes
72 Fresh Savinelli Pipes
3 Fresh Doctor's Pipes

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  1. J

    Smoking Va/Per and English in the Same Pipe?

    Since starting up smoking again last Spring, I've been smoking as much Virginia blends as English blends and I am in the proccess of choosing pipes that will be dedicated to Virginias and Vapers. Some of the pipes I'll use are recent estate buys and have been thoroughly reconditioned and I've...
  2. J

    Acrylic vs Vulcanite

    I guess Ashtonite comes close to having the qualities of both vulcanite and acrylic, but it's a proprietary material, as far as I know, and is available only on Ashton pipes.
  3. J

    Pipe Cleaners

    I use 3 or 4 cleaners after smoking a pipe. For me, cutting the pipe cleaners to length from a roll would be too time consuming and I would think using the whole roll to clean a pipe is too cumbersome. I order 10 packs of 56 cleaners for $9.80 or 20 packs for $19.00 from Pipes and Cigars when I...
  4. J

    What Are You Smoking? April 2013

    Penzance in a pre-transition Barling saddle bit billiard.
  5. J

    Acrylic vs Vulcanite

    I wish there was a stem with the best qualities of both. I guess we all do. I prefer vulcanite stems for the mouth feel, even though they require some work to keep them shiny. Acrylic stems may resist teeth marks better and stay shiny, but as a clencher, the comfort of a vulcanite stem wins...
  6. J

    What Are You Smoking? April 2013

    Solani Silver Flake in a Charatan Executive tall billiard.
  7. J

    Too Many Pipes... Is It Possible?

    I am 71, started smoking pipes in 1960, stopped for about a dozen years and started again last spring. Over the years, I've accumulated 74 pipes, mostly briars, so I probably have more than enough. However, there are some brands of pipes I would like to acquire. By the way, without discounting...
  8. J

    Famous Pipe Smokers

    General Chesty Puller of the Marines, cellist Pablo Casals and actor William Conrad.
  9. J

    What Are You Smoking? April 2013

    Solani Silver Flake in a Blue Riband Canadian.
  10. J

    What Are You Smoking? April 2013

    Peretti's Royal Blend in a Town Hall military bit apple
  11. J

    Pipe Porn

    Great pictures, Peck, especially the first one of the blowfish. It looks like a studio shot taken by a professional.
  12. J

    Nice Hat Co.

    Thanks for sharing the link. Found a Panama hat there I'll get for the summer. The ladies will enjoy going through the Kentucky Derby hats they have.
  13. J

    What Are You Smoking? April 2013

    Solani Aged Burley Flake cube cut in a Peterson Kildare billiard.
  14. J

    Right Pipe - Right Tobacco

    There are some pipes that are exceptional in comparison to all other pipes you have, whether of the same brand or other brands of equal or greater reputation for smoking quality. You can list all the requirements for a quality pipe, such as age and quality of the briar, curing methods...
  15. J

    Loring Dunhill Site Gone????

    Welcome to the forum, jclson. Glad to hear you plan on keeping up your father's sites.
  16. J

    Me And The Little Man On A Sunday Afternoon

    Great pictures. He looks like a great kid. I agree, you do look good with a bent.
  17. J

    Blue Riband, Stuck Stem?

    I've used the freezer and sanding that rothnt just mentioned, but in your case, I also strongly recommend having a professional work on the pipe. A Comoy's unsmoked Blue Riband is quite valuable. Yours even more so to you, since it was your grandfather's. If you check Mike Meyer's site, you'll...
  18. J

    What Are You Smoking? April 2013

    Orlik Golden Sliced in a Comoy's London Pride Canadian.
  19. J

    Whatever Happened to the Pocket Tin? (w/ pictures!)

    In the postwar years, plastic started replacing metal in many uses. Plastic pouches, when they came along, were cheaper and helped keep the tobacco fresher. Also, the tins would require a lot of storage space. I will not bring up the Prince Albert joke, but I'm sure somebody will!
  20. J

    Which Would You Choose?

    I would choose the Savinelli. The ones I have are all good smoking pipes and Canadians are one of my favorite shapes.