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12 Fresh Mark Tinsky Pipes
84 Fresh Savinelli Pipes
3 Fresh Askwith Pipes
10 Fresh Yang Kun Pipes
60 Fresh Ropp Pipes

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  1. sparroa

    Don't like Orlik Golden Sliced.....I must be crazy, right?

    It is not a "wow" tobacco and it isn't much of a Va/per either. The perique percentage is so small that you may not even be able to notice it without being told in advance. A translation error had it listed as a Va/bur for years and nobody was the wiser... It is great for what it is, a light...
  2. sparroa

    Tea & Pipes

    I honestly haven't paired any teas with tobacco yet so I don't know how it works but I'd be willing to bet the straight VAs would be my favourite.
  3. sparroa

    Cracking Cob

    I've got a few with exterior imperfections but nothing too serious. sjfine, as long as it still smokes good then I say you have no worries. If it burns out, it burns out. You could attempt to patch it but I don't know what'd be good for that purpose. My biggest problem with cobs is the drilling...
  4. sparroa

    Oriental and Turkish Flake Tobacco

    GLP Embarcadero might be up your alley, OP, if you are still watching this thread... I haven't had it but I've been reading quite a bit about it.
  5. sparroa

    Cracking Cob

    I've got over a dozen Country Gentlemen and none of them have cracked like that. Then again, they get relatively light use and are well cared for, but I agree that it depends on luck of the draw. Some cobs are terrible, others will last for ages. I'd just suggest you buy a few more and keep a...
  6. sparroa

    Tea & Pipes

    Tetley is what 95% of people drink around here, but I don't care for it. mssandoval, I never had any of the pricey pu'erh teas but the one I did try was wonderfully complex - autumnal is the best word for it... Honestly, lapsang souchong is smokier than all but the strongest balkans so it might...
  7. sparroa

    Tea & Pipes

    I like Earl Grey and Assam tea the best... One is citrusy, the other is malty, both are great. Let's not forget a tea for you latakia lovers out there... Lapsang Souchong! It is cured over a fire and has a strong campfire taste to prove it; I am personally a big fan! In the past I have usually...
  8. sparroa

    Plugs twists etc

    Looks like Shawn gave you some good explanations. I haven't tried plugs before, but from what I've read it is pretty simple. Have a pocket knife handy? If so, you are set... Slice your own flakes and rub them out. Now you are on your way!
  9. sparroa

    Breaking in/Resting?

    There's no "right" way to do it, but there are many different schools of thought on the matter. I would smoke it once or twice a day until a bit of cake forms and then I'd take the "one day on, one day off" approach just so you can keep it in peak condition. I'm not experienced with briars but...
  10. sparroa

    Oral Biopsy is Now Done, Awaiting Results

    Hope for the best, fisher - I know what it is like to wait on tests. Take care and keep the faith!
  11. sparroa

    My First Estate: Amphora Xtra

    Good progress so far. Are the Amphora pipes supposed to be decent, all things considered?
  12. sparroa

    The Most Different Tobacco Experience Yet!!! Butera's Dark Stoved.

    Mrenglish, As you can see I don't know the history behind it I was just speaking from the standpoint of an average consumer. It is pretty hard to make sense of their lineup. The brands aren't positioned very well and they certainly don't stand out from the crowd. They may be world class but it...
  13. sparroa

    The Most Different Tobacco Experience Yet!!! Butera's Dark Stoved.

    Thanks for the review by the way, Shawn. It sounds interesting. I've also been wondering about the Golden Cake since I saw a thread up last week or so... They seem like unsung blends that might be worth a second look. The problem is that I've got a list a mile long and there is too much competition!
  14. sparroa

    The Most Different Tobacco Experience Yet!!! Butera's Dark Stoved.

    Butera has been intriguing to me because the most acclaimed blends are by Germain in the Channel Islands and they are exceedingly rare as a result just like Penzance or Stonehaven - that's Pelican and Kingfisher... Meanwhile, the other Butera blends just SOUND like an extension of the McClelland...
  15. sparroa

    Tobacco to be Banned?

    Leonard, it sounds like these are the end times for pipe tobacco. I don't want to sound sensationalistic or anything, but it is not promising for a consumer to say the least... I hope that you folks in the pipe tobacco industry make some progress and are not railroaded out of business by a cut...
  16. sparroa

    Tobacco to be Banned?

    Man where I live it's past the point of taking people out of harm's way. You can't smoke indoors anymore in a public place so one is no longer subjected to second hand smoke, you can't smoke around doorways due to complaints from a vocal minority despite the fact that when one is outdoors any...
  17. sparroa

    Looking for Virginia Flakes

    I have to say that the Lakelands are the only blends in this conversation that do NOTHING for me. cigarmaster, will do. Most of them I have no intentions of opening but Wessex CDF and St James Flake are going to be sampled for sure within the next week...
  18. sparroa

    Tobacco to be Banned?

    Eric, I forgot that one though it is usually in my list of things to watch out for: a)flavoured tobacco ban b)pipe tobacco tax increase c)prohibition of internet sales Either one of these would be devastating for our little community. Be on the alert. Man, I was born to the wrong generation...
  19. sparroa

    Looking for Virginia Flakes

    cigrmaster I have taken a lot of your recommendations to heart and I'm looking at a wide variety of the ones you've mentioned... CVP/WBCDF/Dunhill Flake/Best Brown/St James Flake are all on my next two orders and I am seriously considering all the rest! The more I've read about them the better...
  20. sparroa

    Opinions Please: Meer or White Briar?

    Oh well, you live you learn! I've been bitten a few times by the 'Bay that's for sure... It does look like white briar with a plastic stem to me but hopefully it'll still pan out as a good smoker/project for you.