Maybe one day. Living in WA limits your ability to find things. My local B&M does very little C&D and all their bulk is Sutliff. One of these days when I find myself on the westside of the state or heading to Idaho to visit some family, I’ll keep my eye out for some.
I’m also not one to waste time hating much of anything but Peterson’s Irish Cask (formerly Irish oak, I believe) was one I just couldn’t get into. Tried several times with different pipes and just didn’t work for me. Gave it to my brother in law and he loves it.
The Batman was a 5/5 without question.
Halo on Paramount plus I’ll give a 4/5 but I’m a pretty big gaming nerd.
and I always keep rewatching Endeavour. Great show and some fine pipes on it! 5/5.
I have a few that I keep deep in my cellar like Escudo, Stokkebye luxury flakes (all of them), Windjammer, HH Dark Fired, and Bayou Morning Flake. But I always try to buy a couple tins of something new. Just in case.
Welcome from WA! One of my my earliest pipes was a BC and I loved it. Still have it stored away somewhere. Don’t really know why I’ve never bought any more.
I love my Escudo and I’ve smoked enough of it to know I have pipes that really make it shine, and others that still taste great but is missing a little something extra. Those pipes that shine aren’t the same shape or marques at all. Some are bent and some are straight. Some pipes just have “it”...