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  1. crashthegrey

    Hello All New Here

    It is much better once you fully commit. Enjoy the ride.
  2. crashthegrey

    Other Than You- What is Your Town Famous For?

    Yes. In fact my friend owns it, my co-host manages it, and I occasionally give tours through it. Lol.
  3. crashthegrey

    Hello from Southern Wisconsin

    Welcome aboard.
  4. crashthegrey

    Hello again, Hello

    We've all been members here before, whether we know it or not. Welcome, Welcome back, hello.
  5. crashthegrey

    Hugh Hefner Playboy Pipe

    To the right collector, it is worth something.
  6. crashthegrey

    Other Than You- What is Your Town Famous For?

    Cows, caves, and caves discovered by cows.
  7. crashthegrey

    New Member from Maryland.

    Hey, I know you. Welcome.
  8. crashthegrey

    Olive Wood Cracks?

    Olive wood is often thicker walled because it does have a tendency to crack, just like pear wood. Even smoked slow there is always a chance.
  9. crashthegrey

    New Stem For My Edwards. Such Disappointment

    Someone certainly just slapped a molded stem on and tried to open the dual bore. Wow.
  10. crashthegrey

    Cornell &Diehl Tin vs Bulk

    I hear with C&D Jeremy Reeves adds a little more beard into the bulk vs. the tin. puffy
  11. crashthegrey

    Chacom Pipes General Impressions?

    I own one from the slow smoke in Chicago. We managed to get them to make them for the UPCA this year. Seems pretty great, to be honest.
  12. crashthegrey

    ***What Are You Smoking, July 2023?***

    Starting my journey through the new MM Elite series with Luminaire in a Kaywoodie Virgin Grain Canadian.
  13. crashthegrey

    Beginner's Pipes.

    The best beginner pipe is one you like.
  14. crashthegrey

    Show Us Your Cellar

    It's packed in plastic totes. Definitely not a great photo from me.
  15. crashthegrey

    Different Honeys

    Get your hands on some local honey, too. The benefits for allergies are great, exposing you to local pollen. I have my first hive of bees and am loving it.
  16. crashthegrey

    Smoked once - Really?

    I've never once believed "smoked once."
  17. crashthegrey

    Lost my Favorite Pipe Tool

    I've oddly never lost a single one.
  18. crashthegrey

    Pipe Smoke PH Tongue Sting and Alkaline Bite

    As a chemist, I never put this much thought into tobacco. I smoke it if it agrees with me, or don't if it bothers me. With so many good tobaccos to choose from, trying to modify the pH of tobacco seems fruitless. As long as you are still having fun with it, though, who am I to judge?
  19. crashthegrey

    Any Advice on Quitting Cigarettes?

    Everyone is different. I think you really need to want to quit first, then you will find your own method.