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  1. Flatfish

    In Search Of Pipe Dreams

    It wasn't a bad read. All the pipes in it were expensive. You won't find a cob or a Falcon or basically anything that people actually use. He does go on about opening the airways which is the authors personal choice but not everyone agrees.
  2. Flatfish

    Inspector Morse

    Pie in the sky is quite ancient. Currently watch Death in Paradise.
  3. Flatfish

    Ye Old Analoge Thread

    Grumpy now.
  4. Flatfish

    The Draw?

    I've read that book 🧐 Don't recall seeing any cobs in it.
  5. Flatfish

    Peace and Quiet. (Briefly)

    Everything smelled of smoke. Hair, clothes, car. Still its was worth it. BBQ in the beach after church with friends. Watch the sun set. Happy days. The simplest pleasures of life are the best. Good for morale.
  6. Flatfish

    Peace and Quiet. (Briefly)

    This is another nice spot 20 mins away.
  7. Flatfish

    The Draw?

    What are the effects of the size of the draw? This is what I know (or think I know) so far. The draw is the size of the hole. The bigger it is, the easier it is to suck. Corncobs seem to have a bigger draw than a briar. Some briar owners sometimes make the hole bigger. I assume pipe...
  8. Flatfish

    Peace and Quiet. (Briefly)

    You know that. 😁
  9. Flatfish

    Peace and Quiet. (Briefly)

    Beautiful evening. Bees buzzing, birds singing. Otherwise quiet. A moment good for morale. But then there are children to put to bed, washing to fold and put away, dishes to do etc. If I ever take up the pipe (probably not in this world) it would need a very small bowl...
  10. Flatfish

    Greetings From Belfast

    Greetings from West Wales
  11. Flatfish


    I'm not 100% sure what a podcast is. I know its on the internet and involves people talking. Not sure I've ever listened to one. I take it youtube is not a podcast? Gosh, the older I get, the less I seem to care, or be able to keep up with technology. I am turning into my Dad.
  12. Flatfish

    Hello, I'm a Newbie

    Welcome from West Wales
  13. Flatfish

    Ye Old Analoge Thread

    I'm left handed. It does require a bit of thought.
  14. Flatfish

    Ye Old Analoge Thread

    At the moment there are two notebook inserts in it. The first is a sort of journal where I write down anything interesting that might have happened during the day. Will be nice looking back to see what life was like as the kids were growing up. The other insert I have open when I do my...
  15. Flatfish

    Crisis Mode Vs. Standard Mode

    Everyone is unique. Just like everybody else.
  16. Flatfish

    One post Lurker

    I'm a 282 post non-smoking lurker. 🤔
  17. Flatfish

    Starship Launch

    So... Was this a failure? Everyone was cheering. Unless they misunderstood what they were seeing.
  18. Flatfish

    Tips for Best Deal on New Car?

    In our house, we have considered the cars we've owned (and also the 17 year old mower and strimmer), and we have come to the conclusion that anything we buy from now on must be Japanese, and red in colour. My wife says the colour is irrelevant, but I'm not so sure. Renault blue. Rubbish...
  19. Flatfish


    Welcome from Wales.