Peace and Quiet. (Briefly)

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 20, 2022
West Wales
Beautiful evening. Bees buzzing, birds singing. Otherwise quiet. A moment good for morale.
But then there are children to put to bed, washing to fold and put away, dishes to do etc.

If I ever take up the pipe (probably not in this world) it would need a very small bowl...


Oct 6, 2021
NE Wisconsin
Truly beautiful, with or without a pipe.

If I ever get the chance to sit with you overlooking that beautiful vista, I'll try briefly to offer you a pipe. If you refuse, I'll accept a cup of tea, and enjoy it just as much.


Feb 21, 2013
It's notable though people are sensitive to air quality, water quality, litter by the highway, and so forth, noise pollution is often tolerated or even cultivated. Many environments embody heating and ventilation noise, one or often more amplified music or talk sources, internal combustion noise by cars, trucks, overhead planes, lawn mowers, leaf blowers, and other noise.

The need for and benefits of relative quiet are vastly overlooked. Whether it is Freddy Mercury or the Chiago Symphony, sometimes it is better with no recorded sound. You really do have to have quiet to know what you are thinking beyond the din. This isn't just fussy; it's part of mental health.