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  1. dunendain

    June 2010 - What are you Smoking?

    Lane BLWB. A very nice burley/aromatic. Smoking it in a Bjorne rusticated dublin. Good Monday everyone. If there is such a thing.
  2. dunendain

    Aromatics with good room notes.

    Uncle I read your review in I added mine too.
  3. dunendain

    June 2010 - What are you Smoking?

    Smoking Peter Stokkebye Bullseye Flake in my Bjorne bent billiard, after playing a round of golf with my 19 year old son.
  4. dunendain

    Welcome New Members. Introduce Yourself. (2)

    Welcome pipedude. You came to the right place.
  5. dunendain

    Internet on the Plane

    Have a nice time Kevin.
  6. dunendain

    Remember Those that Gave Their Lives

    My grandfather on my mothers side was in the Pacific theater, and I had family who fought for Germany. That was time when the greatest generation was victimized by a few madmen. I love reading about the war because it brought about so many technological breakthroughs. It was also a time of...
  7. dunendain

    Masculinity disappeared with the pipe.

    Beef, shallots, onions, peppers, garlic, half a bottle of wine, and lots of mushrooms.
  8. dunendain

    June 2010 - What are you Smoking?

    Remembering all the brave soldiers who lost their lives on D-Day. The survivors as well.
  9. dunendain

    Welcome New Members. Introduce Yourself. (2)

    Don't worry Lane, I am not much of a picture guy myself. My computer doesn't seem to want to do that. Welcome to the site.
  10. dunendain

    Remedies for tongue burn.

    You are welcome, Ohin. I have found that I never have heartburn since I started drinking aloe juice. I just pour a shot glass and swish it around, then swallow it.
  11. dunendain

    New pipe question

    I have never seen a Bjorne like that. Pipe Tobacco Place, use to sell pipes made in Germany that they called Viking. Welcome to the site.
  12. dunendain

    Internet on the Plane

    Vegas has a place where you can rent full auto guns. If you enjoy guns, you should check it out. It's a blast.
  13. dunendain

    Pipe Smoking Makes You Smarter

    Well Cortez, this Lutheran/Methodist would never call you a moron. I think you are quite a clever fellow. How is it up there?
  14. dunendain

    June 2010 - What are you Smoking?

    Uncle I am glad I could turn you, Cortez, and others to some of the Stokkebye blends. I really like the brand. Right now I am smoking Highland Whiskey, which I find far superior to Stokkebye's plain whiskey blend. I also have homemade Cajon sausage cooking. Yum.
  15. dunendain

    Coloring Meerschaums

    I go through times when I think I only want to smoke meers. As long as you smoke slow, the dry smoke is great. The only reason I don't have more Meers, is because I like 9mm filters, and the only 9mm meers I've seen come from Germany, and I have never ordered anything abroad. I would love...
  16. dunendain

    Aromatics with good room notes.

    I just got 2 ozs. of Peter Stokkebye Highland Whiskey, and evryone tells me it smells great. I really like the flavor, as well. It taste like scotch.
  17. dunendain

    Pipe & Tobacco Etiquette

    This is good pipe talk. I love this thread. I always smoke my pipe in public as often as possible. In the past, I would smoke Balkans, and English blends, and almost dare anyone to comment. I have mellowed, and always keep an aromatic for public smoking. Now, when I go in public places, I get...
  18. dunendain

    Remedies for tongue burn.

    Yeah that reminds me. I am out of Biotene. Thanks. My wife is at the market. I will text her now.