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  1. dunendain

    Best Places to live......

    If it's the super lotto. Probably the south of Spain :)
  2. dunendain

    Best Places to live......

    Not Southern California. As soon as I win the lottery I am moving to Surprise Arizona.
  3. dunendain

    April 2010 - What Are You Smoking?

    Erinmore Mixture in a Bjorne Volcano. Something I got in March, but just now getting in to. Taste like Earl Grey tea. I like it.
  4. dunendain

    Welcome new members. Introduce yourselves.

    Thanks Pistol and Cortez. I have a partially collapsed lung that became an ugly mess, but I am better now. The whole thing threw me into a spiral of manic depression. Good to hear from you guys.
  5. dunendain

    April 2010 - What Are You Smoking?

    Smoked my pound of Luxury Bullseye Flake much quicker than expected. Must get more.
  6. dunendain

    Welcome new members. Introduce yourselves.

    Hello all. I have been away for some time. Some problems, but good to be back. Welcome to all of the new members. Boy, has this site grown.
  7. dunendain

    March 2010 - What are you smoking?

    Smoking Cruise Line Pacific Long Cut. A very tasty aromatic with a very natural vanilla pineapple flavor. With a Polish porter on the side. First bowl in awhile. Nothing beats a good smoke.
  8. dunendain

    Welcome new members. Introduce yourselves.

    Welcome new members. You will like it here. Great articles, good camaraderie. Like family, you can't quit once you join :)
  9. dunendain

    March 2010 - What are you smoking?

    Thanks guys. I did make a good score on tobacco for my b-day. Very rare tobaccos found in a small town tobacco shop. I can't wait to try them. I have never tried any of these. Erinmore Mixture Robert McConnel Scottish Flake W.O. Larsen no. 50 blend Cruise Line Pacific Wild Cut All of them...
  10. dunendain

    Best Bond

    Thanks guys. It's great to be back. I am not fully recovered, but I did not have to spend my birthday in the hospital.
  11. dunendain

    Favorite Bond Girl

    I like Pussy. You know. From Goldfinger. Pussy Galore. Honor Blackmon I believe was her name. Good actress. I like those rough women. Pilot too.
  12. dunendain

    Best Bond

    I liked all the Bonds. They were good in their own way. I like the books better. My fav Bond movies are From Russia with Love, Gold Finger, and The Living Daylights. I think Timothy Dalton was closest to the book character, and Roger Moore was the least close. I like Craig ok. My oldest son can...
  13. dunendain

    March 2010 - What are you smoking?

    Hello all. I had quite a health scare. I let an infected lug turn into a bad case of pneumonia. I am better now. Thanks for the well wishes. I really missed you guys. I will try smoking some Peter Stokkebye Bullseye Flake today, and try to get caught up on happenings.
  14. dunendain

    March 2010 - What are you smoking?

    Prince Albert mixed 50/50 with Mac Baren Honey& Chocolate. Pretty good. The PA cut the sugary sweetness to a manageable level.
  15. dunendain

    Favorite Blender

    Peter Stokkebye or Orlik.
  16. dunendain

    Pipe filters(do it yourself) question

    I buy 9mm charcoal filters 200 at the time. I can't afford them, but I find a way. My kids are buying me some for my birthday. I do save quite a bit on pipe cleaners.
  17. dunendain

    Why Did You Start?

    My reason was simple. I loved smoking quality tobacco, in the form of cigars, and could no longer afford them. I have never looked back, because I enjoy pipes, and everything that goes with them much better.
  18. dunendain

    Welcome new members. Introduce yourselves.

    This site is really enjoying a surge in quality new members. Welcome.
  19. dunendain

    Archeologists in New York Uncover Tobacco Pipes Dating Back to the 17th Century

    I really enjoy reading about tobacco history. I yearn for days when a person could enjoy this fine art without all the PC bullshirt.