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  1. PiperCalvinist

    Father’s Day Pipe!

    Awesome! That’s my next favorite Savinelli shape that I also hope to get soon! I like that color also. Happy Father’s Day!
  2. PiperCalvinist

    Father’s Day Pipe!

    I pointed my wonderful daughters to The Pipe Nook for a Father’s Day suggestion and they bought me my first Savinelli for Father’s Day! Love it! Praise God for wonderful children!
  3. PiperCalvinist

    Need a Couple of Noob Recommendations . . . .

    Lee me add one more to your list - Arrowhead! It’s an in-house blend made at Paul’s Pipe Shop in Flint, MI. I just has my first bowl of it yesterday, and I’m telling you if you have any liking for vanilla this stuff is wonderful! What’s great about it is the flavor tends to last throughout...
  4. PiperCalvinist

    Why Don’t I Like Early Morning Pipe & Chelsea Morning?

    Yeah, I guess this discussion is helping me realize a false notion I had. I bought all the separate blending components so I could smoke them individually to find out which ones I like. But the problem with that is they are not going to taste the same when mixed with other tobaccos. And even...
  5. PiperCalvinist

    Why Don’t I Like Early Morning Pipe & Chelsea Morning?

    Yeah, even after I wrote that I thought about some videos I’ve seen where guys were talking about their palate changing over time, and now they actually like what they used to dislike. 🙃
  6. PiperCalvinist

    Why Don’t I Like Early Morning Pipe & Chelsea Morning?

    That’s a great analogy, and once I can relate to, because I like a little cilantro added to my salsa or guacamole, but there is a threshold, that when crossed, it becomes an unpleasant flavor to me. The same with basil. Yes, I love that there are so many different blends to explore!
  7. PiperCalvinist

    Why Don’t I Like Early Morning Pipe & Chelsea Morning?

    Thank you for sharing all of that. I actually have another unopened tin of EMP, that I’m either going to age or trade. I understand aging mostly impacts Virginias, but I’d be interested to know if you notice a difference between the newer and the aged tin.
  8. PiperCalvinist

    Why Don’t I Like Early Morning Pipe & Chelsea Morning?

    I do have University Flake and do like it, but I like the Irish Flake better. I think it might be the dark Kentucky in it? Thank you for the 3Ps & ODF recommendations. I’ll add them to my growing list of blends to try! lol. Never heard of Edward G Robinson. I’ll have to check that out...
  9. PiperCalvinist

    Why Don’t I Like Early Morning Pipe & Chelsea Morning?

    I haven’t tried mm965 but it keeps coming up on my radar, so I plan to get that eventually. I haven’t tried Nightcap either, but I really like Peterson’s Irish Flake! I’m certainly favoring more burley based and burley/Virginia mixed blends. I think you’re right. It only takes a certain...
  10. PiperCalvinist

    Why Don’t I Like Early Morning Pipe & Chelsea Morning?

    I’ve always thought myself to be a morning person, but when it comes to those two tobaccos it doesn’t seem to be the case - at least early on in my journey. But I’m confused? At first I thought it was the Latakia, but both seem to indicate that a light amount of Latakia is added, and I happen...
  11. PiperCalvinist

    T. Cristiano Signature FATTA-A-MANO

    Thank you very much! I’ll check out Amazon.
  12. PiperCalvinist

    T. Cristiano Signature FATTA-A-MANO

    I just bought this beautiful pipe from Paul's Pipe Shop. It's unsmoked but been sitting on the shelf for a while and you can see the silver band is tarnished. I was wondering if there were any T. Cristiano experts on here who could tell me more about the pipe. I understand the "FATTA-A-MANO"...
  13. PiperCalvinist

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Bob’s Chocolate Flake in my Mr. Brog’s #90 Stewart (Mimmo briar)
  14. PiperCalvinist

    My Peterson Journey

    Nice haul my friend! I hear ya on slowing down. I didn’t start this to collect pipes, but smoke tobacco. Yet here I am, not even 3 months in with 10 pipes, an 11th on the way, and I still need to break in about 6 of them! 😳. And just when I thought I was done spending for the rest of the...
  15. PiperCalvinist

    No Taste . . . .

    Yeah, that’s what I’ve discovered. All my summer smoking is now getting confined to my office. Kind of a bummer, but at least I have a place in my house where I can smoke! puffy