Chicago Pipe Show 2023 Round Up

Would you believe that this year was my first year to ever attend a Chicago Pipe Show?  It was.  Most of the time, the Chicago show overlapped other conferences that […]

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Curing the Rough Edges

Some favorite blends that go well in spring, or anytime, especially when outside. (Photo: Fred Brown)

Ahh, just the thought of April showers bringing May flowers is enough to demand a commune with flora and fauna, to look up and around and admire nature’s latest colorful […]

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Ghost Busting

“O, begone ye ghosts of tobaccos past! Out, out, I say!” Obviously, I’m not talking about treasured memories of long-gone blends, but of the sometimes everlasting impressions left in the […]

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Of a Certain Age

Vintage Tobaccos

No, I’m not talking about me, though I struggle with the acceptance that  the expression is at least beginning to be applicable. I’m talking about tobacco. It’s well established that […]

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Doin’ the Bengal Breakdown

Original Bengal Slices by James B. Russell

It’s far from a closely-held secret that for years I’ve had a bit of a love affair with the old, Celebrated Bengal Slices. I fondly recall my first experience with […]

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Ghosts of Christmas Present

The Peterson Christmas 2022 B42 Darwin in all its copper glory. Photo by Fred Brown

Two of the larger-than-life names at this time of year, other than the pipe-puffing big white bearded guy in the North Pole, who runs a shop full of elves and […]

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Breaking it In

Peterson Silver Spigot 107

Predictably, the Vegas pipe extravaganza of 2022, the first pipe show I’ve attended since 2019, was an absolute delight. I met up with old friends, made some new ones, and […]

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Heat Waves

Benson & Hedges Pipe Tobacco and Drucquer & Sons Pipe

I do not like hot weather. When the mercury pushes close to body temperature, my icy heart begins to melt, and when it reaches the point where I break out […]

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Fribourg & Treyer Blackjack Review

Cellaring tobacco happens in a few ways; some intentional, others incidental. As any member of this forum could certainly attest, adding a few more tins than one can smoke in […]

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Pipe Mysteries

Dunhill Lovet Pipes with Capstan and Westminster Tobaccos

Each month, my brain fabricates a few good ideas for this column, and a lot of silly ones. Usually, one of them sticks, and things just sort of flow from […]

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