Nothing new really. Old favorites that have a few years in the cellar now, hit my sweet spot for smoking.
Thanks for the suggestion. I have and it disagreed with my palate. But I had a similar experience with Elizabethan Mixture, so I should try it again.Have you tried Sutliff Match Victorian? It is my opinion, and the opinion of many, that it is better than the original.
That Smyrna is amazing stuff. Working through a 2007 tin myself. I am also a huge Campaign fan, but my favorite Wessex blend in probably the aforementioned Gold Brick.This year was all about PAD and less about TAD. I haven't bought much tobacco this year. I did recently pick up some "Smyrna" at the local B&M. As soon as I smelled it I knew it was a McClelland product. That faint ketchup and whatever casing they used was very evident. Probably been sitting in that jar for a decade. Smells a little musty but man is it taaaaaaaasty!
Also recently added Old Joe Krantz Blue to my rotation and Squadron Leader, along with Wessex Campaign Dark Flake, which I haven't tried until now.
My main revelation this year has been eliminating pipes that aren't getting smoked in exchange for pipes with just the right dimensions and smoking properties for me. I started doing this a year ago. I've gotten rid of 17 briars so far. I have a few more purchases before I'll be able to dedicated 2 pipes that I love smoking, each to 1 blend type. I'm at just under 20 briars all of which kick ass IMO. This way, I find myself smoking more Latakia blends, because I've finally been able to dedicate a couple of pipes I really love to Latakia, which I more often avoided in the past for fear of ghosting my limited selection of favourite briars. Anyway, matching the right pipe to the right blend has been a five year journey so far, and this year, I'm finally starting to enjoy my fairly deep cellar to its fullest potential. Happy New Year and Happy Puffing!!!
Gold Brick is amazing. After my first taste I immediately bought enough to build a house no wolf could ever blow down.Wessex Gold Brick for me
runner up: Sir Johns VA Flake
years not over yet though!
Merry Christmas!
Yeah, and visions of cellulite ……not good.It will come as no surprise that my favorite blend for 2022 is C&D Visions of Cellulose.