and, it's an estate ironing board. But, I keep looking, because I know that one day that I am going to run across an artisan ironing board. You can never have too many ironing boards!
This disclaimer, is a thing of beauty. I get hard when my lawyer writes this stuff to my tenants or whoever I want to screw with. It is the reason attorneys are above the rest of the teeming masses.* For the avoidance of doubt, nothing contained in this post, whether express or implied, shall be interpreted or construed as a personal attack on any reader hereof, and by the act of reading this post each member of this forum hereby acknowledges and agrees that (i) this post adheres to, and surpasses, all standards of conduct for forum participation set forth in the rules of this forum, and (ii) such member shall indemnify and hold harmless the writer hereof from any liability or other material consequences, whether personal or pecuniary, arising in connection with the publication and dissemination of this post on the pipesmagazine forum.
You know what? I'm kind of ashamed. Four words and he perfectly expressed the complete gist of my 500-word jeremiad, without consuming so darned many pixels.mayfair," Hey Francis, lighten up."