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May 28, 2015
One of Jeffs rules (I"m Jeff) is that everyone takes the intenets way to seriously. One of Jeffs Creedos is the next guy who kicks my ass won't be getting a virgin.
6'!'...165 lbs.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 22, 2016
On the plus side, if a forum member was bidding against you and won, you might be able to persuade him/her to part with it here...

Dec 24, 2012
For the record, I have had bowel movements bigger than you fellows.*
* For the avoidance of doubt, nothing contained in this post, whether express or implied, shall be interpreted or construed as a personal attack on any reader hereof, and by the act of reading this post each member of this forum hereby acknowledges and agrees that (i) this post adheres to, and surpasses, all standards of conduct for forum participation set forth in the rules of this forum, and (ii) such member shall indemnify and hold harmless the writer hereof from any liability or other material consequences, whether personal or pecuniary, arising in connection with the publication and dissemination of this post on the pipesmagazine forum.



Sep 14, 2015
For the record, I have had bowel movements bigger than you fellows
So those are the kind of records they keep in Canadia?
I now have to thank Robert for allowing me come up with my favorite put down of the year so far... Piddling Asswipe. It rolls off the tongue.(ok, bad phrasing) I think I'll get a tattoo of it. Guess where?



Sep 14, 2015
I come to this forum for the calm conversation, relaxation, and of course, the hordes of beautiful women; not to be sideswiped. I go to Youtube for my sadomasochistic needs.



Sep 14, 2015





Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 16, 2014
Ok so what were the pipes you missed out on. You can post a link now.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I was just wondering... Should I buy this ironing board? I mean at that price it'd be a steal. Just don't bid it up on me.





Dec 22, 2013
New York
No one in their right mind even bothers to bid on things that interest me! :rofl:
None of the ideas expressed above are actually mine. They are told to me by Luthor and Ferdinand, the five inch tall space aliens who live under my desk. In return for these ideas, I have given them permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find under there.



Jun 23, 2011
Mayfair wrote:
I am certainly a grown man and I try to be polite and a gentleman because deep down I am probably the meanest person you'll ever run across. I am 6 feet 2 inches and 240 lbs. One of Michael's Rules, and I'm Michael, is you don't call someone a pussy online unless you would do it to their face. You would NOT say what you wrote to my face. Judging by your character, I'm betting there are a great number of things you need to be MORE concerned about than my personal relationships, you piddling asswipe. Do you have any more acute observations you'd like to make? How about my girlfriend? You know nothing about her, you should be able to conjure at least a paragraph, Einstein. You started this, Mr. Robert, now let's see how you finish it.
I now have to thank Robert for allowing me come up with my favorite put down of the year so far... Piddling Asswipe. It rolls off the tongue.(ok, bad phrasing) I think I get a tattoo of it. Guess where?
Mike, when I read your threatening little screed this morning, my first thought was that I might try to explain to you that, among men, all manner of good natured joshing is a regular feature of social interaction. In certain quarters, like the city where I grew up in the 60s and 70s, we call it “breaking balls,” and you had to be a special kind of fool to take it seriously. Now, having grown up as you did in a different era -- one of participation trophies and bike helmets and enforced sensitivity -- this sort of interaction might be foreign to you. So when I read your tantrum, I thought I might advise you in this, point out that most men – even guys who are 6 feet 1 inch tall and weigh 250 lbs and are just ever so mean as you tell us you are – might sometime be subject to this sort of teasing. I thought I’d explain that the generally accepted response was usually a good-natured version of “back at ya.” [Indeed, you have seen of just that sort of behavior in this very thread, and it abounds throughout this forum.]
Yes, I thought I might tell you these things, but then I realized you were clearly too hurt, way down deep in your tender heart, to want to hear such a lecture from me. It’s hard for even an intelligent man – let alone a guy like you – to learn from a place of anger, so I reconsidered and I decided not to tell you these things. Instead, I decided just to say. . .
. . . I’m sorry.
I’m sorry if you perceived that I was truly judging you for your submissive relationship to your girlfriend. Honestly I was just joking, but I see now that I shouldn’t have. I should have, instead, realized that, at 5 feet 10 inches and 265 lbs, the dating world probably isn’t all that comfortable a space for a young man these days. Sure, you can grow a manly-looking hipster beard and wear flannel shirts and vintage boots; of course, you can declare your “meanness” to all who will listen. But ultimately, if she’s in charge, she’s in charge, and you might understandably be sensitive about that.
. . . I’m sorry
I’m sorry, that you suffer from such a paucity of intellect and endured so impoverished an education that you think a scatological insult one half-step above calling someone a “poopyhead” on the playground is the apotheosis of witty banter. I know you are doing the best you can, blustering vague threats and physical stats (and hey, 5-8 and 280 is nothing to scoff at). I’m sorry that you have to live – for now at least – trapped in the rhetorical cell of your severely limited ability to express yourself. But I want you take heart, Mike. It’s never too late for learning. And depending where you live, nighttime GED classes are usually very affordable.
. . . I’m sorry.
I’m sorry that you’re bouncing about the planet thinking that you are such an intimidating figure (what with your great height, tremendous mass and Palance-like meanness), and, worse, thinking that this affords you some sort of security (what with folks being afraid to say things to your face and all). In truth, you see, not only aren’t you the “meanest person [I’ll] ever run across,” you’re not the meanest person with whom I regularly share drinks. Hell, Mikey, you’re not even the meanest person in this thread. So I’m sorry that you lack the self-awareness to understand how silly was your response to harmless little jape. I’m sorry that your abiding insecurity compels you to actually tell people on the Internet how tall and heavy you are. (Truly, that's a first in my experience. But didn't you forget to tell us how much you can bench press?)
And I’m sorry that your unique blend of foolishness, insecurity and bad temper is going to, inevitably, cost you something dear. I really am, Mike.
As for saying things to one another’s face, I’m exceedingly easy to find. My presence on the web is not, as yours, anonymous, as one can easily find my blog, my full name and so on. So if that sort of face-to-face interaction is important to you, if you’d like to come by for a cup of coffee sometime, I’d gladly buy. I'm sure that if we sat down for a cup of coffee, or even a glass Scotch (presuming you're allowed) that we'd be able to see things through. And don't fret. I'll buy.



Jun 23, 2011
I was just wondering... Should I buy this ironing board? I mean at that price it'd be a steal. Just don't bid it up on me.


Darn you, Cosmic. Now I am honor-bound NOT to bid on that board, now that I know a brother of briar wants it too. How the HELL am I going to complete my ironing board collection if you keep doing that?

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