Whole thing has been a shitshow. And listening to the yes men on Fox excusing away the HORRIBLE calls in this tournament just grinds my gears. Allowing teams like Senegal and Cameroon to play “extremely heavy” (for lack of better term) whilst penalizing European teams that play with an edge (Serbia, Croatia, Poland) just boggles my mind.
Like I pointed out; that

call in the Spain v Japan game should be investigated for fraud. It’s was so glaring; and the coverup just awful. It’s like they are trying to say “Don’t trust your eyes. Forget what we showed you. Accept this extreme distance, out of focus, blurry image, instead”
The Uruguay hosing was just awful. That ref should be shown the exit, and his finances investigated.
And the ridiculous cartoons they keep putting out, which they call offside technology. Why can’t the biggest Sport Spectacle afford a sliding overhead camera ala NFL???? Would make more sense then their silly animations. Laughable that they show an animated; and quite crude, cartoon of an offsides versus THE ACTUAL FOOTAGE.