There was a wrestler who said it best about riding his Harley that Hulk Hogan gave him. "I'm so big I look like a monkey humping a football."
(Haunted)We all have to man up, act like we have a pair and not give a rat's ass what others think of our pipes or we have to start passing out tampons.
When it comes to cobs, I can't get past the image of Mammy Yochum and banjo players from incest friendly backwoods.
Great post.That is every bit as ignorant and offensive as saying "I won't drink Malt Liquor because I can't get past the image of a bunch of homeboys playing dominoes and shooting crack." I wonder how a comment like THAT would have gone over.
It boggles the mind how some people manage to live their whole lives and still have such a retarded, cartoonish image in their heads about Southern men and women. I wonder what the original poster would do if he met me in person? If I stepped out of my pickup truck and he looked down at my bare feet and then up at my corncob pipe, would he snicker at the "goofy redneck" or would he ask what I was smoking?
Bigotry is ugly man, regardless of what group of people your passing judgment on. If your ever in Oklahoma hit me up, and I'll try to introduce you to some real good people who might change your misconceptions.
I'm not going to go back and read all three pages of this, I'll just assume you said something stupid and regret it. I do that all the time, lol. I just hope I don't see this kinda commentary again