Why I don't smoke a cob

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Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
igloo said:
Allright everyone has had there fun and we are getting near death threats . I think we should close the thread and pick on Pete fans next.
And Lawrence emailed me for my opinion, so here it is ...
The thread doesn't really bother me. I can understand why some people would be offended, but I thought it was entertaining and a good discussion. There are some moderate personal attacks, but nothing here screams to me that the thread should be closed, but let's please stop the personal attacks.
octavius said:
I do have an MM and I think it smokes great, especially around a campfire. Although, if I was to forever live on an island with only one pipe, my corncob would be left behind. On that same line of logic if I were to take a pipe to smoke at a wedding reception it would not be the corncob either.
This reminded me a an interesting thing that Mike Holba of Nat Sherman said when I interviewed him. I'm paraphrasing, but he said that a pipe is like an accessory, similar to a piece of jewelry, or a tie, or even footwear. He said he oftens asks the question, "what type of pipe are you wearing?"
I think it is a valid point that you "wear" your pipe.
There are appropriate times to be wearing a ratty t-shirt and beat-up sneakers.
There are also appropriate times to be wearing a jacket and tie.
I think different pipes would potentially go with those two different outfits.
I have a few MM Corn Cobs. I hardly ever smoke them, but they do have their place. I appreciate that they offer an inexpensive alternative that might make it easier for a budget-conscious consumer to enter our hobby. For me, anything that helps support the growth of the pipe smoker market is a positive thing.
Let me know when the thread starts to pick on Pete fans. I want in on that one. I own 3 Petes myself.
You know what would be a fun thread?
We all list each brand of pipe we have. It might be interesting to see how narrow or how broad our collections are.
Not here. Start a new thread please.



Feb 1, 2010
That is every bit as ignorant and offensive as saying "I won't drink Malt Liquor because I can't get past the image of a bunch of homeboys playing dominoes and shooting crack." I wonder how a comment like THAT would have gone over.
Interesting. How did you come to associate homeboys shooting crack with Malt Liquor? Have you seen a lot of Malt Liquor ads with home boys with crack in them?
Please don't lock this thread Kevin, its making me laugh. Now I am gonna go start the Picking on Pete's thread for you drooling pipe smokers who are so abundant in your oral secretions that you need a spacious reservoir to keep it in. Oh yeah, and their Irish - historically known to be a drunken people which kinda explains the excess drooling! :rofl:



Feb 20, 2011
Richmond, BC




Part of the Furniture Now
May 15, 2010
well, as a dumb a$$ country boy who made his 1st pipe, (corncob) when he was shy of 10, i find it entertaining to read some of the stuff writ.
cindi, it's funny because i have had to translate for my wife too on occation.
thought ya all would like to hear the warden's (a californian) observation on wisconsin... (backround, we were going into a grocery store in the winter). "all the do around here must be drink beer, smoke cigs and fornicate in the winter time."



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
When the dust settles I hope we all give "props" to John Patton for his contributions to the hobby. Not just for

his advocacy, promotion, and education about cobs, but also in recognition of his aesthetics and sense of taste

in tobacco. We should all try Cool Hand Fluke in a high grade briar or a meer.
(...and apparently he doesn't mind bein' an easy target :rofl: )



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 25, 2011
Vancouver Island
Just to set the record straight, I think my qualifications as a redneck are unimpeachable. I drive a modified Jeep. I live in the backwoods on 5 acres. I have hunted moose, deer, geese and grouse and I drink beer and whisky with the old boys at the Legion. My parents were vets from WW II and my father-in-law was a medic in Italy. I'm almost never politically correct. I have been to Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas, Georgia and Florida (including St. Petersberg 8) and loved it there.



Can't Leave
Apr 9, 2011
Cheviot Ohio
Well, if I'm going to take pot shots at other folks, I have to be willing to dodge their pot shots in return. But why wouldn't you smoke Cool Hand Fluke, or any of my blends, for that matter, in a cob, since I developed them all using cobs to test and perfect them. I did smoke them in briar once I was satisfied with them in various cobs.



Oct 20, 2010
According to my Dad, the difference between a hill billy and a redneck is that the hill billy is ignorant. The redneck is ignorant and proud of it. I also grew up in the South.



Might Stick Around
Feb 2, 2011
Maduroman settled my retirement plans for me, and has my undying thanks.
all the do around here must be drink beer, smoke cigs and fornicate in the winter time.
When I pull the plug in 8 years and get the hell out of Kalistan, I'm moving my happy, pipe smoking ass (figurative in the sense that my ass does not smoke a pipe, literal in that I will be moving it) to WISCONSIN, just as long as I can substitute "pipes" for "cigs". I'm all good with the beer drinking and fornication.
Will they let me do that stuff year round there, or is it just during the winter time?



Part of the Furniture Now
May 15, 2010
as a wisconsin native, pipe smoking works just fine as long as you have a pouch of prince albert....
you also have to be willing to eat massive amounts of pork n bacon too.... bratwurst aint just for tailgating.

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