Whose Pipes do You Have the Most of?

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Latakia Dave

Mar 4, 2021
Shenandoah Vally Virginia
15 Peterson
7 Morgan Bones
6 Savinelli
4 Falcon pipes
5 Kaywoodie
2 Stanwell
1 yello- bole
2 Custom FrankThunderpipes
2 nQa customs
3 clay pipes
3 M.M. cobs
1 Dr.Grabow
3 self made pipes
1 Viking
1 Star Meerschaum
1 French made bulldog ?
1 Jonas Design
1 Preban Holm
1 BriarWorks
and 1 Mastercraft


Nov 24, 2015
Rad Davis is still number one in my collection. I think I own 15 or 16. I recently culled a few of my Rads as I once had 22. Second on my list is 13 Jack Howell commissioned pipes . I also have more Howells coming and I might just beat my Rad collection. I once owned 10 Brian Ruthenberg pipes but have moved some out to make room for my Howells. I still have 3 Ruthenbergs I believe. The were all great smokers and were good deals on Ebay.
I bought a number of them from Pipestud and Treasurepipes. both from Ebay. .
Rads are a weakness au moi aussi.


May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Peterson, around 70, the first “good” pipe I bought, over 30 years ago.
So far the winner of the Golden Ticket is craig with 70 Petersons. That is insane . Good for you
I also saw a number of other guys with over 20 Pete's each. It is obvious that Pete's are the largest collections.

Castello I think comes in second place, they seemed to be mentioned quite a bit. It is interesting that once we find something we like, many of us go balls to the walls collecting that one brand.

Jesse, do you have more than 70 Barlings? I am guessing only Jesse could get to that 70 Pete number. How about it Jesse, can you beat t
I see that my meager collection has work to do but no way would I be able to hit 70 pipes from anyone of my favorite artisans. I would have to lock a guy to his bench and make him work 14 hours a day 7 days a week for quite some time. I think artisan pipe makers could put out more pipes if they were willing to put the time in. I know what it is like to work like a dog as I use to work 65 hours a week in the car biz, and over 100 hours a week when I opened my first business.

My old man always told me the harder I worked the luckier I would get and he was so right. I told that to my youngest son when he got his first sales job working for a shipping broker TQL, basically a whore house for that kind of business. My kid put up numbers in his first year that no one had ever seen.

The CEO and CFO flew in from Cincinnati just to meet him. He was on the fast track but he decided he wanted something different and he is training with a mergers and acquisition company. If that works out great, if not he is thinking of taking over a shipping business that is much smaller than TQl . The owner is tired and he offered my son a deal which would lead to him eventually owning the company.
He is a chip off the old block. Butter or guns, doesn't matter what you are selling butter or guns exact same thing.


Nov 24, 2015
So far the winner of the Golden Ticket is craig with 70 Petersons. That is insane . Good for you
I also saw a number of other guys with over 20 Pete's each. It is obvious that Pete's are the largest collections.

Castello I think comes in second place, they seemed to be mentioned quite a bit. It is interesting that once we find something we like, many of us go balls to the walls collecting that one brand.

Jesse, do you have more than 70 Barlings? I am guessing only Jesse could get to that 70 Pete number. How about it Jesse, can you beat t
I see that my meager collection has work to do but no way would I be able to hit 70 pipes from anyone of my favorite artisans. I would have to lock a guy to his bench and make him work 14 hours a day 7 days a week for quite some time. I think artisan pipe makers could put out more pipes if they were willing to put the time in. I know what it is like to work like a dog as I use to work 65 hours a week in the car biz, and over 100 hours a week when I opened my first business.

My old man always told me the harder I worked the luckier I would get and he was so right. I told that to my youngest son when he got his first sales job working for a shipping broker TQL, basically a whore house for that kind of business. My kid put up numbers in his first year that no one had ever seen.

The CEO and CFO flew in from Cincinnati just to meet him. He was on the fast track but he decided he wanted something different and he is training with a mergers and acquisition company. If that works out great, if not he is thinking of taking over a shipping business that is much smaller than TQl . The owner is tired and he offered my son a deal which would lead to him eventually owning the company.
He is a chip off the old block. Butter or guns, doesn't matter what you are selling butter or guns exact same thing.
I knew Kerry Burne pretty well. We worked together. He was the CFO a while back.

If you can make it at TQL...you can make it anywhere. It's survival of the fittest. Congrats!


Mar 8, 2021
The Netherlands (Europe)
I would have to lock a guy to his bench and make him work 14 hours a day 7 days a week for quite some time. I think artisan pipe makers could put out more pipes if they were willing to put the time in.
I do get you are brought up with that ruthless work ethic and you like to display it yourself on multiple occasions so that might be all you know, which is perfectly fine if that makes you happy in reaching your achievements, but I honestly think that wouldn't work with a artist or craftsman of that kind.


May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I knew Kerry Burne pretty well. We worked together. He was the CFO a while back.

If you can make it at TQL...you can make it anywhere. It's survival of the fittest. Congrats!
I was real proud of my son as he stuck it out while other salesman were falling by the way side. My son was not to be denied. He made over 70 grand his first year. He knows he can always go back there and make 6 figures.


Apr 14, 2014
Central Ohio
Dunhills by a large margin. I think around 75 or so. I was up close to 100 at one time, but lost interest in the smooth ones and have been selling those off over the past few years. I've got the collecting bug pretty bad............ I only smoke about 12 of the Dunhills................
Castello's, Sasieni's, Loewe's, GBD's, Comoys' and Charatan's round out the collection.
My goal is to eventually sell off ALL my smooth pipes, Grain just doesn't turn me on like it used to......... Give me a well done sandblast any day!


Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
I didn't know this was a competition!
I do play golf. And by play, I mean exactly that. I enjoy the Hell out of it. But, to the utter dismay of those who play with me, I don’t keep score. I always have a good game in that it ends with a cold beer.

When you stop keeping score, every day is a win.