Love to see you smoking em sometime. ?Barling and Dunhill tied.

Love to see you smoking em sometime. ?Barling and Dunhill tied.
I just purchased my first, unsmoked and on its way. So I take it you like them? Ser Jacopo that isOf the briars that are in my rotation I have one Pete, one Becker and 6 Ser Jacopos.
I’ve been puffing a pipe for close to 20 years and have managed to keep the pipe collection pretty small. I look at pipes online all the time, but I just don’t buy them very often. A man could smoke all the tobacco in the world with one pipe if he had to?. I’m always on the lookout for that seventh Ser Jacopo.
I have been very happy with all of mine. I love their particular style and they all smoke great for me. I would expect you to be happy with the one that’s coming to you if my track record with them is any implication. Let us know how you like it.I just purchased my first, unsmoked and on its way. So I take it you like them? Ser Jacopo that is
Let me guess . Hmm, Ah I know ; a trunk full of LorenzoGuess. It isn't that difficult.