This is what I thought, too, but didn't want to question anyone since my turkey hunting experience is entirely vicarious through the outdoor life channel, hahaha.
Regional variations are indeed funny. You should see the look on people's face here if you mention going after deer with shotgun, or hunting anything at all with a pistol.
To your note on squirrels, we have an awesome cookbook written by an old Alaskan homesteader in our kitchen that has recipes for squirrel, porcupine, beaver, and even lynx. I've heard porcupine is actually not bad. Amazing how resourceful some of the old trappers and the like were up here. I've seen some pretty cool tools in abandoned cabins too, shovels made out of old aviation gas cans, hinges made out of spruce roots (or tin flashing and a 60D nail), bear proof containers made out of old spigot handle avgas containers, wood hauling sleds made out of tin flashing, amazing stuff.
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