At this stage of the game, I’m definitely cool with trying an old blend that I know I can’t get again. Honestly if offered an old tin of a genre I know I don’t like, I’d probably save it for a box pass (anyone heard from Fletch lately, btw?), PMSS, or swap it.Yeah I totally get that mindset. For me I'd be more than happy to try something before it goes. I started off with cigars so I'm used to buying singles, often limited edition, so getting a tin of discontinued pipe tobacco is quite a deal for me because that's around 15 bowls of it compared to only trying it once.
If I were still buying stuff here and there to find “my groove”, not so much…
Agree. I’m new enough to be not tainted by a disappointing change, so I’m glad the current ones I like are there.A lot of people are worried about the drop in quality in whatever continues, lucky for me I'm new enough that I won't know the difference. A lot of people hate the modern STG version of SRW but I love it and that was my first non aro, it's what turned me onto pipe smoking.
I have no idea if they had a date on their tin or if the current Peterson ones do but so many don't.
FYI: STG tin date codes: