What Kind of Pipe Smoker are You?

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Can't Leave
Dec 3, 2014
To sum everything up, I'd say there are only two kinds of pipe smokers. On the one hand, you get the usual ones who have no clue about all the different components in a blend and only follow the hype. I call these "posers." In this category will fall all of those who are always seeking approval in every other forum, tally the likes they get in their posts, show off their last and ultimate fish like Japanese models, etc. On the other hand, you get what I call "all codgers." In this group, you will only find grumpy old fellas with worn-off pipes looking like crap, but a good deep understanding of all the different tobacco components and the like. If you know what you like, what the ratios, can mix your own blends, and could not care less about what others might think about your crapy-looking pipes, or if you hate aromatics with a passion, you will probably fall into this category. What kind of pipe smoker are you?


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Can't Leave
Nov 2, 2020
So basically you're saying some of us are posers and some are the real deal?

I'm gonna have to call BS on this one, sorry mate. This is the type of attitude that makes tobacco shop owners say rude things to people. Pipe smoking literally saved me from another 20 years of cigarette addiction, made me a calmer person, showed me the value of contemplative thought and in general just improved my life. Am I a poser because I haven't smoked Royal Yacht or tasted McLelland flake? Am I poser because I don't own a three hundred dollar bit of tree root? This thread is pointless as a discussion piece and serves only to reinforce an elitist attitude that has zero merit in a community meant to bring pipe smokers together.

I highly suspect the OP just ran out of his favorite blend! I know I'll be cranky when I run out of this tasty ODF!


Can't Leave
Dec 3, 2014
I was neither. If you added another 12 categories you might come close to the varieties that exist. I find your censure here to be a continuation of your last posts, both remarkable only for their arrogant and vapid thinking.
I am flattered you remember :)


Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 8, 2020
Smithsburg, Maryland
I would self-asses that I don't fall into either category. I like my worn pipes and my new shiney guys. I like latakia and perique but have no idea about ratios. I cannot pick out components and I like aromatics but I don't care about "likes" or approval from fellow forum members. Maybe I am a codger by the fact that I'm too old to care about which category I fall into?
Mar 2, 2021
Alabama USA
I would self-asses that I don't fall into either category. I like my worn pipes and my new shiney guys. I like latakia and perique but have no idea about ratios. I cannot pick out components and I like aromatics but I don't care about "likes" or approval from fellow forum members. Maybe I am a codger by the fact that I'm too old to care about which category I fall into?
I know you don’t care, but I like Latakia also.


Might Stick Around
Jun 12, 2018
Central Ostrobothnia, Finland
Well, you define to which I fall into: I've started smoking pipes something like three years ago, am less than thirty-years-old, and have purchased some pipes I like very much. I don't understand anything about tobacco or blends, just that I like some more than others. I'm smoking almost casually, now and then, practicing to build up a good technique, less relights, better packing and so on, and I'm enjoying my time with the pipes more and more.

I'd say I fall into neither of those, quite suspicious, categories.


Mar 29, 2020
The Last Frontier
My dad always told me there were two types of people in this world - those who return their shopping carts to the stall in the parking lot and those who need to be punched in the nose. YMMV.

The interesting bit to me is that the OP needn’t research too deep into the recent history on this forum to find evidence of self-proclaimed codgers posting photos of their fish.



Jul 10, 2019
Shelby, NC
Yeah, I don't know of anyone that falls into either of those very specific categories. In fact, most "codgers" smoke codger blends, aka supermarket burleys and goopy pipe shop aromatics, and don't know shit about the components of anything. Some codgers smoke cobs and grabows, but many buy the most expensive pipes they can find to ghost up with their heavily cased OTCs. Y'know, because "you get what you pay for", as the codgers say.
Then there are the posers... while they definitely chase instagram hypester retailers and every limited release, and hoard tobaccos they've never even tasted just because other hoarders are hoarding, some are out buying expensive artisan pipes, but just as many are buying up old estates to pose as the codgers they wish to be. Have you seen the prices old beat up kaywoodies, medicos, yello boles, etc. go for on ebay? I doubt anyone expected that when they were sitting in the drugstore display for <$5. But they sure do seem to entitle folks to that "I'm a grumpy codger" attitude.
Anyway, posers are everywhere and plenty of codgers are just posers of a different sort that somehow think they're better than all the other posers because they pose just like their favorite old posers that hated young posers.
Perhaps if they'd stop worrying about how the other posers are posing, they could just sit back and truly enjoy their pipes and tobaccos.
Or maybe they really just prefer banging their cane and shouting "get off my lawn" over anything else, including pipes and tobacco...
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Nov 26, 2018
I'm a simple man. I'm a pipe smoker who doesn't care for posers posting stupid ass opinion and believe it to be some sort of fact. I might be too simple to understand these deep opinions.
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