I have a different point of view. I think any true hobby is one in which you can continue to learn more about different aspects of the hobby, whether it’s playing a musical instrument, visiting archaeological ruins, or smoking a pipe. I think that’s what’s different than a habit for me. I wouldn’t find anything interesting about drinking a Coke every day as far as a hobby because there are no variables to learn about. Perhaps the learning curve slows way down after one learns how to smoke a pipe consistently well but I still think there is room in this hobby for exploration, new learning and adaptation to new ideas.When I meet people older than me who have been smoking pipes for ages and they tell that they are still learning, or that every day they learn something new, that pipe-smoking is sort of an art or a subject no one can ever master, etc., I honestly cannot believe my ears. And you guys know why this is? Let me tell you why, because they could not care less about tobacco. Smoking a pipe means different things to different people. Now call me obnoxious if you like.