I have lots of stuff, the first piece of jewelry my adopted father made for me, the medals my real father was awarded for service in Vietnam, signed books, albums, artwork, tools passed down to me, furniture that has been in the family since arriving in America, gemstones that are very unique and irreplaceable, but I also side with Jackswill. Even though all of that stuff is irreplaceable, if I were to lose it all in a fire, I wouldn't be as worried as losing a family member, friend, or pet. Actually, I wouldn't worry about the stuff at all. Not that I want to lose it, but that it's just stuff. If it was a good up between giving away all of the stuff to keep a child or even a pet, they can have the stuff. Otherwise, stuff is ok, sometimes a hassle in storing it and all. But, I wouldn't shed a tear for any of it.