What I Dislike About Smoking a Pipe

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Can't Leave
Apr 24, 2024
Southern California, US
I don't like accidentally tipping the stem down on my Peterson System Spigot and having the accumulated moisture hit my mouth.

I don't like gurgling, though it happens infrequently for me now.

I don't like lighting a pipe in the wind. By any means. It's just annoying.

I don't like having to stop midway due to some external interruption (like work).

I don't like that many talk of unicorn blends with such reverence (Penzance anyone?) and they aren't available to me to try.

I really don't like that brick-and-mortar pipe stores are a dying breed. It is incredibly hard for me to see and touch new pipes or just browse new blends in person. End up having to do as much research as I can online and then throw a dart.

And all of that having been said, I *love* smoking my pipes.

K.E. Powell

Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 20, 2022
West Virginia
There isn't much that I do not like. If pipe smoking annoyed me too easily, then I would have given it up a long time ago.

That being said, I hate when a small piece of tobacco finds its way into the draft hole and blocks airflow. With a army mounted pipe, this is an easy problem to solve, but with more traditional pipes the difficulty depends on how easily I can fish a pipe cleaner through the stem and to the draft hole; I am wary of removing the stem when the pipe is warm for obvious reasons.

And every now and then, even with a perfect pack and light, one's taste buds act fussily and ruin what would have been a good smoke. C'est la vie.


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I smoke the pipe, it doesn't control me or make me mad or disappointed. And, I don't have sessions, I light up, go to workin', sit back and read, or whatever I want. If I get a gurgle, go ahead and gurgle. Relights? They happen. A bad bowl is always my fault. If it's bad enough, I'll empty it and start over. The pipe is an inanimate object, handmade indeed, but it's simply a receptacle for tobacco, No point in getting "ticked off." I just try to remedy the situation and move along. No point in wasting emotion. I guess some see the pipe as some sort of competition either against other smokers or, even, simply themselves. I don't view it that way.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 20, 2024
I smoke the pipe, it doesn't control me or make me mad or disappointed. And, I don't have sessions, I light up, go to workin', sit back and read, or whatever I want. If I get a gurgle, go ahead and gurgle. Relights? They happen. A bad bowl is always my fault. If it's bad enough, I'll empty it and start over. The pipe is an inanimate object, handmade indeed, but it's simply a receptacle for tobacco, No point in getting "ticked off." I just try to remedy the situation and move along. No point in wasting emotion. I guess some see the pipe as some sort of competition either against other smokers or, even, simply themselves. I don't view it that way.
We can always count on you for a wise voice of reason.


Can't Leave
I smoke the pipe, it doesn't control me or make me mad or disappointed. And, I don't have sessions, I light up, go to workin', sit back and read, or whatever I want. If I get a gurgle, go ahead and gurgle. Relights? They happen. A bad bowl is always my fault. If it's bad enough, I'll empty it and start over. The pipe is an inanimate object, handmade indeed, but it's simply a receptacle for tobacco, No point in getting "ticked off." I just try to remedy the situation and move along. No point in wasting emotion. I guess some see the pipe as some sort of competition either against other smokers or, even, simply themselves. I don't view it that way.
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