That video, with the reference to the article on the Thermodynamics, is neat, but I blieve there's a real flaw in that guy's match lighting technique. You'll notice that he holds the lit match to his tobacco immediately after striking. That means that he's sucking in smoke from the still-burning match head. I always hold the burning match, sheltered by my hand, for a couple seconds to allow all the sulfur and whatever else is in the head to burn away before drawing the flame down into the tobacco. And, for the record, I've been using plain old book matches. I always have a couple of books in my pockets and it's not uncommon to use half a dozen in the course of smoking a bowl. They take a little more technique than wooden matches, but once you get the hang of it they work really well. I use the matchbook as well as my hand to make an effective windscreen, always with my hand upwind to the match. There's no sulfurous flavor imparted to the tobacco and when you're finished smoking you only have a small amount of litter to dispose of.