I would say there are nic bombs amongst some of the pipe tobaccos I've tried, but none amongst the ones I regularly enjoy. I still often bookend a nice pipe smoke with a cigarette before and after. Really, seriously hoping to change that at some point.
To stay on topic, I would say that C&D Burley #1 is the highest-nicotine blend I have enjoyed.
Also, now that I think more about it;
I've always wanted to try Tambolaka, but it has eluded me to this point, so I suppose the jury is still out for me..
It's not a bomb, but I smoke Old Dark Fired when I want a little more nicotine. It's in my nicotine comfort zone and I really like it's flavor. I smoke Semois too, but I don't like the flavor as much as ODF. Needless to say, I'm a lightweight.
My go-to blend these days is 60-40 Burley Flake #1 and Royal Yacht.
When I need to pull an all-nighter, it's 50-50 Cotton Boll Twist and Brown Twist Sliced.
I've been enjoying some of the plugs for my nic kick lately. Mainly Condor, Warrior and Jackknife. I have a tin of Black XX and 1792 I haven't opened yet. Looking forward to the day.
Call me crazy but Brown bogie doesn't really affect me anymore. I remember Billy Budd had a pretty good amount of nicotine but it just gave me the niccups. I find really high perique blends give me that buzz feeling. I want to try some Jack Knife Plug. I'm after a head spinning experience, not just hiccups.
Depending on the season, Dunhill Royal Yacht, Dunhill Nightcap, Peter Stokkebye Amsterdam No. 83, and G.L. Pease Jack Knife Plug. I've only smoked one tin of 1792; we're still getting to know each other.
The strong blend that is currently in my ration is GLPs Jackknife Plug. I smoke OJK back when I first started to help me stay away from cigarettes. I used to suck on FVF during my flights to from China.