The Dark Side of the Ring: The Brawl For All.
It was quite good wasn't it? Vince Russo is a bit of a moron but I did agree with him about John Bradshaw Layfield. The guys a bully and always has been, it was funny watching him get his clock cleaned.
It wasn't the first time either. Apparently JBL was picking on little Joey Styles (the former ECW & WWE commentator) on a plane ride back from Iraq. Here's a report from the time.
"JBL went after former ECW play-by-play announcer Joe "Joey Styles" Bonsigore.
All week long, Styles was viciously hazed by JBL, who reportedly spent his entire time in Iraq severely intoxicated.
Styles apparently couldn't stand it anymore, and when other people got in between the two, Styles blasted JBL with a punch that saw JBL end up with a cut and blackened eye, which was somewhat visible under heavy makeup on Monday Night Raw.
All reports say JBL spent most of Monday night by himself in the locker room, being very quiet and spending most of the time emailing on his Blackberry. Styles has not commented publicly on the incident."