Working my way up to full bowls in the new Savinelli 313:
I asked my wife to help me choose which Virginia to open next: a tin of Dunhill Elizabethan Mixture from 2013, or the Capstan Blue that I just recently bought. She initially chose the Elizabethan, in honor of the departed queen, but then I told her that Capstan had been a favorite of J.R.R. Tolkien. Being a huge Tolkien nerd, she immediately changed her answer!
I packed this bowl and did a charring light before going to bed last night, and am just now resuming it. My leather tongue and I are reserving judgment until we've had a few bowls, but I'd say it's mild but promising. Not as grassy or tangy as some others I've had, somewhere in the middle. I fully rubbed out this bowl, but read some threads today about cube-cutting flakes, so I'm excited to try that next.