Continuing the 'coin trick' in this Nate King meerschaum prince (on an amber stem) and a bowl of 2020 Carolina Red Flake - what a sweet, sweet virginia but incredibly monotonous, will probably use it for blending:

Love this...It’s Basil Rathbone night! I recorded a few films off TCM while at work and now (because I rarely smoke inside and it’s wonderful on the deck) will enjoy these pipes until dark when I can start my mini-marathon which will continue tomorrow night. As I type, the Peterson first year original Original Sherlock Holmes with KBV Merchant Service Fireside Chat (if @JimInks called this an all day smoke he’s right - this is great stuff!). In about an hour or whenever, the Peterson Rathbone with (of course) 2020 Wilke No. 515 from my first “cellaring”. This is going to be a great evening/night!View attachment 173115