OHM Red, burley and Turkish bag tobacco, which has mellowed with some years, in a MM diplomat with one of the earlier versions of a "table leg" Forever stem. This smoke accompanies my studying the Medicare & You 2023 official U.S. gov't Medicare handbook.
I'm trying to figure out if there is any benefit in opting for the new Medicare Advantage plans through private insurance companies versus original Medicare with a supplemental (private corporate) Medigap plan I already have, which strikes me as possibly better -- more freedom to select providers, and no required approval from the plans prior to treatment, plus we seem to be doing okay with a lot of prescription prices, so far so good. Learning the vocabulary is just the ticket for a Saturday night. Not. Puff-puff.
If you too are having to make this decision, beware of all the insurance companies out trolling for customers. I'm afraid the dental, eye care, and hearing aid options may be bait for reduced coverage for specialists, hospitals, and prescriptions. Now I've got to call my current supplemental provider and the state insurance info people. It's a jungle out there.
Every day brings private Medicare "Advantage" plan offers, some dressed up like govt documents (they aren't) and even some without corporate addresses, all with vague promises aimed at confused old folks, with TV ads and phone calls to apply pressure. Insurance companies have one motive: get your money. I think the companies lobbied the hell out of Congress to set up this system as a banquet for their executives and stock holders.